Chapter 7 - Preparations

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After the abrupt argument with Basara over who would be attending the three on three battle against the Hero clan members, you had returned to your room for the night in an attempt to cool off some of the left over anger along with the feeling of bitter remorse for taking it a little too far.

But of course you had good reason to be pissed off at Basara, with his persistent stubbornness being something not to take lightly. He needed to see reason, and even a side to you in which you rarely even show to people anymore.

You brought yourself to sit at the end of your bed which was next to the window. It was raining tonight, so the sound of light rain hitting off the window was a little salubrious if anything.

'I've grown soft... each day I've been living here, it's gotten worse. Although I wouldn't say it's a bad thing, it's just I haven't felt like this in such a long time.'

The sentence that Jin said to you while in the car on the way home echoed in your mind.

'Maybe we can actually settle down as a family and look out for each other.'

You thought on those words while looking out the window. 'When Jin went through all that stuff with me in the car, at first I really did think that I'd be getting myself into some shit situation that I'd later regret. But.. I just don't feel like that anymore.'

You then thought of Mio, and the situation that she's in the midst of. In hiding all because of the bastards who killed her father now want her inherited power. And just like you, the parents that she grew up with, were just collateral damage all because of the disgusting and overbearing greed for power.

'Jin brought me here for the sake of her, Maria, and even his own son. I know that sword has brought upon great guilt to Basara, but he himself knows he's the only one able to contain its power. As a result, that sword is like a burden to him. One he must carry through his life to prevent it from corrupting others while also having it sapping the life from him whenever he uses it. I know he wants to be useful and fight in this fight... his soul is enough of an indication of his strong will and courage. But for his own well being, I will not allow him to participate.'

You raise your hand and open it to look at your palm.

'My power should be enough... but at the same time, I want to refrain from going overboard. The last time I had even increased my power to such an extent... I felt a tug of darkness wanting to pull me into its darkest depths. A temptation that if I were to accept... I'd lose all sense of reasoning and eventually lose my mind.' Closing your hand again, you closed your eyes and let out a sigh. 'Fear... think that may have been the only time I truly felt it.'

Your phone begins to vibrate next to you. Picking it up, you see the caller's icon to be Sayuri. You answer.


"Hey! How ar-- Wait a sec... what's wrong (Y/n)?" It appeared Sayuri was able to tell something was up just from your tone.

You sigh. "Argument. Shit happened. Now awkward. You get the idea."

"Awk (Y/n)... I hope you didn't take anything too far."

"No... just raised my voice to get my point across. Bakara can be... a little stubborn."

"What was it about? If you're okay telling me." Sayuri's tone soothed.

'Of course I have to lie... sometimes I wish I could just tell her the truth straight up. But what good would that even do?'

"We had plans to go to the cinema today to watch one of those action movies. I don't follow them. Was the girl's idea. Although Bakara fell sick, but he wanted to go anyway. Was in a call with his dad about it, and he advised me to tell him not to go in case that his condition gets worse. Obvious reason of course, but like I said, he's stubborn and argued back."

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