Chapter 4 - Solving Issues

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It's been a couple of days since what went down on the roof of school. Things seemed to have settled down too, with the demonic presence during the nights dropping significantly.

Maria went out the night before but wasn't out for long after noticing almost no signs of any Demons. Of course that was good news and means everyone could actually sleep for the night, but at the same time it felt weird to you. As if something inevitable was waiting to happen and it played about in your mind. Maybe you were just getting a little paranoid, but in situations like these sometimes it's good to be.

Apart from that, school has been going "alright" for you. Couple of homework assignments were done and with the help of Sayuri to catch up on some things, everything was being pushed to the side real quick and easy.

You almost forgot how well the both of you get along and just to even have her again as friendly company within your class, it was somewhat nostalgic of the pastimes of her helping you keep your mind off of the bad things. She's a great person and friend through and through.

It's morning time and you were laying in bed after being woken by your alarm. After hitting the off button, you just lay there while staring up at the ceiling. What was on your mind right now was that Masked Man from the school roof.

'Mio Naruse, just know that your presence on this planet alone is a danger for everyone. It is for you to decide if you want to continue to hurt these innocent people or give up your powers to save lives.' His annoying voice echoed in your thoughts.

You sigh and shake your head.

"What a dick." You say before leaning up and shifting your legs to sit at the side of your bed.

'Good thing I talked to Mio that night. After what that guy said to her, it did seem to play about in her mind and even made her feel guilty.' You shook your head once more. 'Whenever I find him again, I'll regret what he said. And there sure as hell won't be anywhere for him to run.'

*Thump thump*

You hear a light tapping through the floor which made you quirk an eyebrow.

*Thump thump*

The sound was a bit more forceful this time. Someone was definitely intentionally making that noise.

"That little Succubus... has to be her." Coming to a quick conclusion.

Maria was always the earliest up it seems, and breakfast was always almost out on a plate by the time you got down the stairs.

'Seems this is her way of calling me for breakfast, tut tut.'

You come to a stand and head out of your room. When leaving the room you come to feel that Mio and Maria were downstairs while Basara was still in his room. You continue on your way to the stairs and head on down.

Hearing a light rattle of a cooking pot while approaching the kitchen. Something did smell good.

While entering the kitchen you see Maria at the stove while standing on the usual kitchen stool. Near her was a broom that leans against the far wall.

She notices you from the corner of your eye, making her beam.

"Big brother, good morning!" She giggled.

You walk past her from behind without answering and grab the broom and turn back to her.

Extending your arm with the brush in hand, you gently press the stubbed end against her cheek.

"Huh?" Her eyes flinched while turning her head slightly to you.

"Was that you I was hearing tapping the ceiling?"

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