Chapter 2 - New Family

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You continue to follow the woman down the corridor while passing by some of the other kids.

These kids grew curious of you the longer you have stayed here. Some would ask how you were or even ask if you'd like to join in on certain games. They simply wanted to include you in activities. Was it just the thought that you might have went through something terrible with previous families?

You've come to recognise that these kids mean well though. Maybe past experiences have made them this way. Maybe they see that there's no point in the bullying and what not. Kids that come here need all the help they can get. Not add to their sorrow.

*Where's (Y/n) going? He's following her somewhere.* One of the kids asks.

*This might be his time guys.*

*What? To leave?*

'That's just how it is. Some kids have been here longer than me. But here I am, yet again to move into another family.'

The woman leads you to a room that was just ahead near the front exit. You both turn to enter.

"Mr Toujou." The woman gets his attention as you enter.

He turns to see you. "Ah yes, hello." Cigarette in mouth. Whole room smelt of smoke.

You do however feel something from this man. An power that was pulsating from his soul.

"Umm, sorry Mr Toujou but we don't allow smoking inside the premises." Waman's already triggered. For good reason though.

"Oh, sorry." He chuckles. "Thought I'd get away with a quick one. Forgive me."

"That's alright Mr Toujou. As long as it's properly disposed off."


"Certainly." He flicks it out the window. "I'll get it when I head out."

"Alright. Well Mr Toujou, (Y/n) is here and ready to go. Just need you to sign some paperwork about confirming a few things then that's it."

"Alright." He smiles. "You wanna head out to the car?" He asks you.

"If you're fine with that. Sure" You nod.

He reaches into his pocket and takes out his keys. "Here." He throws you them.

Easy catch.

'This guy trusts me this much already?'

"You can head on out. I'll get this stuff sorted."


"Mr (Y/n)?" The woman gets your attention before you leave.


"Be well." She smiles.

You nod. "Always am." You turn to leave the room, leaving the woman and Mr Toujou.

"Hows he been during his stay here?" Mr Toujou asks the woman.

"He's quiet at times, but the other kids like him. He just finds a way to make them laugh all the time. He can take jokes a bit too far. Talking from experience. Other than that, he's a good young man."

"That's good to hear. Just curious to know. I'm adopting him on my first day meeting him. Just wanted to hear your thoughts on how he has been."

"Perfectly fine." She smiles then makes her way over to the desk next to them and takes out some papers.


You make your way out of the room and to the exit, although you are stopped after feeling someone tugging the back of your top. You turn your head to see a young boy with his group of friends behind him.

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