Chapter 5 - Scrubbing

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It wasn't long until you and the rest got home.

Maria was quick to put on whatever she thought would be good for dinner while you were continuing to tease Basara about Yuki which really put him into blushing mode.

Mio was rather quiet this afternoon as she sat while mostly listening to you and Basara within the living room watching TV. However, it was the little things that played about in her mind.

'Maria... was she being truthful in saying (Y/n) seemed to have a liking for this Sayuri girl? But does he really like her in that way?' Mio seemed to stare at your face every now and then while in thought.


As the night approached, you were up in your room and laying on your bed.

Basara was also in his room while Mio and Maria were still downstairs.

You sigh while checking the time on your phone then toss it to the side to look up to the ceiling.

'Haven't yet told Mio or Maria about that Masked prick being in our school. Should I even?' You scratch your cheek. 'It may only cause Mio to panic and she may not feel safe with the guy being in the same class as her. But, she does have the right to know. I've already given her my word that I would protect her, so maybe that thought might ease her mind.'

You take a deep breath. 'For now though I'll take a shower and relax for today. Might even have a decent night's sleep this time without having to worry about that Masked demon. Although, I'll need to keep an eye on him and perhaps ask to speak with him sometime. He might be able to give me some useful info on the activities of other demons.'

You then move to get off from your bed. 'Think its time I got a good clean.'


Meanwhile, Maria was still in the kitchen just about finishing up with cleaning the dinner plates and such. When she was done she was curious to see what Mio was doing since she hadn't left the living room just yet.

She enters the room and sees her still sitting at her spot with her legs folded up on the couch.

"Mio, are you alright? You haven't moved from that spot in a while."

"Oh, I'm fine." She lowers her head a little.

"Are you sure? You don't look like it."

"N-no, honestly Maria I am."

Maria came to sit next to her.

"Are you thinking about what I told you? You know, about that girl that (Y/n) was talking about?"

Mio's face lit up with a blush. "N-no! Of course I'm not." She shook her head.

Maria giggled. "The redness on your face says otherwise. Come on, tell your sister what you're thinking. I'm here to help."

"Help? I have your curse bound to me which turns me sensitive every time I think about-" She stopped herself.

"Think about what? (Y/n) getting along with the girl I mentioned?"

Mio looked away without responding.

"It is, isn't it?" Maria smiled. "Look, I know I said to you that (Y/n) has taken a liking to her. Truth is, I don't know if he has in the deep sort of way, if that's what you're concerned about?"

"I've... never seen her in school before."

"You don't need to. In-fact, you shouldn't be worrying at all Mio."

Mio turned her head back to Maria. "W-why do you say that?"

"Well, you're already at an advantage. You have both made a pact, right? And not just that, did you not notice how he seemed to enjoy touching your breasts?"

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