Introduction/Setting the Stage

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Name: Y/N
Age: 19
Personality: Y/n is shy and reserved. He spends most of his time listening to music such as Slipknot, Pantera, and Metallica. If he's not listening to music he's practicing bass guitar or playing with one of his 10 pets.

Y/n spends a lot of time thinking up life scenarios and people watching (when he's in public). Y/n doesn't really know what to do when he's around people. Being too shy to start a conversation he'll only talk if asked something or someone else starts the conversation, even then he doesn't know how to keep it going especially with attractive girls.

Y/n never had someone to teach him about getting girls because his father died just before Y/n started noticing girls. So he's been trying to figure it out on his own, and it hasn't been working he's 19 and never had a girlfriend.

Now for appearance since it's an insert it's just you, but there is a specific style you have. Y/n always wears a band tee most commonly Slipknot or Breaking Benjamin with distressed skinny jeans and combat boots or black high tops. He's also never seen without a band bracelet (those rubbery ones with a band name on them). If Y/n needs a jacket he'll wear a flannel or a badass jacket.

So I think that about does it for the introduction chapter. I'll be posting a new chapter every other to every three days. If you have any questions or ideas let me know. But for now have a good whatever applies to you!

Female x Shy Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now