Who is She?

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You kept replaying that encounter in your head. It was all you could think about. Thankfully you had time at work to think your mentor gave you a break when you almost electrocuted yourself installing a new outlet. You had apologised to your mentor and he told you to take a break to get your head on straight. Which you somehow managed and returned to work.

Y/n finished work and went home to his pet filled house. Y/n opened his house door only to be trampled by his German Shepherd Cobain.

"Hey! Watch it boy!" You yelled while Cobain was smelling in your pockets for a treat.

"Are you looking for this?" You asked holding up a bone from the ribs you had for lunch. Then you throw it to Cobain and catches it then runs outside.

You slunk down on your couch after removing your shoes by the door. Not 2 minutes later Cobain is clawing at the door to come in.

"I really need to install a doggy door" you sighed getting up to let Cobain in.

After he comes in you once again slunk back on the couch and become lost in thought again thinking about that girl from Petsmart. Who is she? Why can't I get her out of my head? Then you wake up suddenly on your couch by a dog pouncing on top of you.

"Cobain it's...wait when did I fall asleep?" You looked at the clock it was 8 AM. "You started to panic because you were late for work, but then you realized it's Saturday and you had weekends off. So you went about your daily business feeding Cobain first, then your parrots Blueberry the Green Cheek Conure and Rose your Galah Cockatoo. You then fed Monty your Giant Asain Praying Mantis, and when you went to feed Gummy you realized something you forgot to get more insects for him! He ran out of live insects yesterday!

"It's okay" you told yourself. "You've only had him for two weeks. You couldn't have known he'd run out of insects."

You continued to mumble as you got ready to go to Petsmart to get insects for Gummy.

After half an hour you got to Petsmart and got out. As you got in the front doors you were greeted by an employee. You recognized the voice and when you looked up it was her. It was the girl from the other day.

A/n: Okay I couldn't sleep and this is actually turning out pretty good so now you can expect another update tomorrow or the next day. Peace out!

Female x Shy Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now