The Perfect Evening?

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Y/n watched the door open, but it was not who he expected it to be.

"Umm is Emma here?" I almost whispered.

"Yes, and who might you be?" Barked the girl. She looked to be the same age as Emma, but shorter with bleach blonde hair and what looked to be a military uniform. Her hair was pulled into a bun behind her head so she almost looked male if not for her female form and soft face.

"I'm Y/n....I came to pick Emma up for our date ma'am." I said graciously.

"Alright I'll get her. You stay here." She commanded.

Too afraid to piss her off I waited for her to get Emma right where she told me to. Unfortunately I could hear them talking on the otherside of the door.

"I don't like him he's too shy and too polite. He acts like I might hurt him." I heard the girl who answered the door state.

"Well Riza you might hurt him if he pisses you off. I also think his shyness is cute." Emma stood up for you.

Well I'm not crazy about the first part, but at least Emma's okay with me being shy. You thought.

Suddenly the door opened. It was Emma. Thank (entity of your choice).

"Hey Y/n. Sorry about my roommate Riza I've known her since we were kids and she's always protected me. Would you like to come in?" Emma enchanted.

"Oh no I'm fine. If you're ready I'd really rather leave now. I don't think Riza likes me much."

"See I told you he's scared of me!" You heard Riza yell from the kitchen. "But at least he's smart! He can pick up hints!"

"Yeah. Y/n let's go. Later Riza!" Emma answed.

"Bye Emma! And Y/n I work in the military so if you make her cry or hurt her I'll make you wish you were dead. And if you're lucky I'll grant that wish!" Riza threatened.

With that I took Emma and left as fast as possible, but I was still a gentleman. I opened her door for her and closed it. Once in the car I complimented her or I tried to.

"You look umm really nice in that dress." I attempted.

"Is this your first date Y/n?" Emma inquired.

"Well ah yes." I sputtered out.

"It's okay. Just relax and let's have fun." Emma said comforting me.

"Can I turn up the music?" I asked not sure if she liked it.

"Yes please I love Three Days Grace."

I thought I was in love before, but now she's perfect!

Emma's POV

The drive was amazing Y/n has a great taste in music! When he turned up the radio I started singing along with Three Days Grace's 'Last to Know' about halfway through I got Y/n to join in and my oh my does he have some voice. I wonder if he plays any instruments. I figured if he wanted to tell me I'd learn later. Then the next song came on.

"Oh this is one of my favorites!" I shouted. Y/n turned up the song for me Song #3 by Stone Sour. And this time
Y/n started singing before me. His voice sounded even better than before. I don't know why, but Y/n got really into this song until he noticed that I wasn't singing.

"Oh sorry" he replied.

"Why?" I asked unsure as to why he'd apologize.

"I don't know. I'm just not comfortable singing around others." He frowned.

"Y/n it's okay. Your voice is amazing."

I saw a glimmer in his eye then he continued, but now it felt like he was singing to me. Y/n is so cute.

The next thing I knew we stopped.

"Oh we're here already." I said almost disappointed.

"Yeah." Y/n replied nervously.

I thought for a minute.

"Hey Y/n, what if instead we went to the mall?" I asked.

Y/n looked at me concerned before asking "Why I thought you wanted to go here?"

I replied thoughtfully "I do, but something tells me we'll have plenty of time to do that later." I smiled and Y/n smiled back blushing.

Next thing I knew we were going to the mall.

That evening I managed to get Y/n to open up and be less shy around me. He said I was the first women he could really open up to, and being with me made him happier than he'd been in a while. I told him he makes me happy too. Which was I had dated other guys, but none like Y/n. I knew from the beginning there was something special about him and I was right.

800 words

Female x Shy Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now