Emma's Birthday

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It's been one month since I took Emma out and since then we've been almost inseparable. The only time we're not together is when we're working.

I've also come out of my shell a bit more. Meeting her coworkers Barbara and Sharon who asked I call her Momma which I thought was weird, but who was I to refuse to call her what she wanted me to? They're great people.

Barbara is only 35, but she's done and seen so much. She visited Iran and saved a 10 year old boy from a burning building, she helped a small family escape Mexico, she's even lived with a Brazilian tribe for a year. Barbara's quite impressive.

Momma is quite the women too. She won't give up her age, but she has to be at least 60. She's full of great advice and already helped me a lot with Emma. Sure we've only been dating for a month, but I never realized how complicated women really are. The most recent thing Momma told me is Emma's birthday and what she wants.

"Emma's birthday is December 16th and what she wants more than anything is to go to a Three Days Grace concert and be right in front of the stage." Momma informed me.

"Really" I thought. "I think I can do better than that."

I quickly thanked Momma and left. I had a plan and I was gonna make sure it happened.

Emma's POV

I saw Y/n leaving Petsmart before our usual Wednesday lunch break. I saw Momma sitting in the break room with a smug smile.

"Momma, what happened?" I asked confused.

"Oh honey you know how Y/n is. There's always something." She stated still smiling.

"But why did he leave before our lunch break date?" I asked a little hurt.

"Sugar trust me there's a good reason. Now don't ask anymore questions I won't ruin the surprise.

"Surprise? What surprise?" I wonder.
"Y/n and I have only been dating for a month. Why would he be planning a surprise?"

"Alright Momma I'll leave it be." I replied.


Alright so what's left to do? I've got the tickets, I found someone to watch the animals now I need to look at rings and contact Three Days Grace's manager.

"Hello is this Shawn Hamm. Who is this and why are you calling?"

"Hello sir I'm ah calling to see if I can speak to Matt Walst of Three Days Grace. I'm Y/n I'm a huge fan and would like to talk to him about something important." I responded politely.

"No you can't. If you want to talk to him you'll have to buy a VIP ticket for when you see their next concert."


Did he just hang up on me. Never mind I've got other things I need to get done.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/n in love with Emma.

After two months it's finally time. I went to get Emma from work and show her what I got for us, but first to talk to Momma she is the only one who knows what I'm going to do for Emma.

I walk into Petsmart and luckily Momma is working the register so I stop and talk to her first.

"Hey Y/n, did you get them?" She asked.

"Yeah and look at this." I show her the engagement ring I bought for Emma and showed what I had engraved into it.

TDG 2019

"Oh it's so beautiful my child. She'll love it. Now go show her those tickets and have yourselves a great time Honey" Momma gingerly told me.

I do just as Momma told me. I find Emma in the break room getting ready to leave. I walk up behind her and grab around her waist.

"Hey beautiful" I purr.

"Hello to you too my short and sweet." She teases.

"Hey! I'm only 2 inches shorter than you!" I retort.

"Oh you're so cute when you're angry." Emma teases again. "Now get off my I need to finish getting ready to leave."

"Yeah and when we get home you'll have to take a shower." I say. "Ow! What was that for?"

"I know I stink don't rub it in." She whines.

"No because tonight we're going to this." I state triumphantly holding up the tickets.

Emma looks at them. "No way you got us tickets for the Three Days Grace show in (nearest concert city)!"

"Sure did now let's get you home and we'll get ready."

Another Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Emma loving Three Days Grace

I look over and see Emma asleep in the passenger seat of my car as I pull into a parking lot. I nudge her to wake her up.

"Hey we're here." I whisper.

Then almost like a bullet she jerks up. "Well let's go! she yelled.

We got out and went in. I made sure we got there early so we'd be in front of the stage. I looked at Emma I've never seen her so excited and happy, and I knew it'd only get better.

Timeskip brought to you by my lack of wanting to write a concert I haven't even seen.

The concert is almost done I better do it now. I walk to a security guard and tell him my plan then he called Matt Walst over. Matt looked at me and nodded. Now a security guard was leading me to steps up to the stage. My heart was pounding my hands were getting shaky, but I kept walking. After getting on stage I met Matt, Brad, Berry and Neil. I couldn't be more excited then right now. Now I heard Matt speaking.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Before we continue a friend of mine would like to say something so please give a warm welcome to Y/n!"

Matt handed me the microphone and I started to speak.

"Hello folks. I'm here tonight with my girlfriend Emma and I've got something I'd like say to her. Emma, when I first saw you I fell in love right away, and when you asked me out I couldn't believe it. Now here we are and although we've only been dating for 3 months I have something I'd like ask you." I got down on one knee. "Would you marry me?"

"Oh my Y/n! Yes!" She yelled.

"Really!?" I asked.

"Yes!" Emma almost cried.

Matt helped Emma get on stage where I put the ring on her finger and we hugged after giving Matt back his mic.

"Now" Matt said. "I'd like to invite you two to stay up here for the rest of the concert."

"Thank you Matt!" Emma and I say at once.

One more Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Y/n and Emma getting engaged on stage at a Three Days Grace concert.

The concert just finished up and Emma and I had gotten our shirts signed by Matt and the guys plus they gave us their numbers and told us to text them anytime they were touring near us and we'd get free admissions.

"Guys I couldn't be more grateful. Thank you." I said holding Emma with my right arm.

"No problem man. I am happy I could help. You two clearly are ment to be. I hope to see you two again." spoke Matt.

Then Emma and I left we headed home now not as boyfriend and girlfriend, but as an engaged couple.

And now I know that everything will be perfect from now till death due we part.

A/n: Hot damn! This chapter gave me chills. I really hope you all liked it as much as I do because this female x shy male reader is done. I will be doing more and I'll try and keep the male shy better, but it's difficult. If you enjoyed let me know. What were your favorite parts? What parts didn't you like so much? If you answer plz be kind, I appreciate any criticism, but plz be polite about it.
I hope you enjoyed. Peace out!

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