What a Shit Show or So We Thought

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Y/n once had a principal whose philosophy was "Fake it till you make it", and he couldn't be more wrong.

Y/n had just walked into Petsmart to get insects for Gummy his Crested Gecko when he saw the girl from the other day was working.

Immediately his heart started pounding and his legs felt weak.

"Alright play it cool Y/n. Just play it cool, all you need is crickets and super worms for Gummy. Get them and leave."

Y/n couldn't play it cool. He was so jittery he could barely make it to the insects, but Y/n did and he got what he needed now to pay for the insects and leave. He looked to see who was at the registers hoping he wouldn't have to interact with the girl since he was so nervous and afraid he'd fuck up. To
Y/n's dismay she was the only one working at the checkout.

"What will I do?"

The Girl's POV

I had been having an average day nothing exciting happened which was fine. I mean what can you expect working at a pet store? This changed though when I first saw this boy, I say boy, but he was about the same age as me maybe a few years younger, and he was so.......cute!

He was so shy and nervous, which I didn't expect to like, but it worked for this kid. I don't know what it was, but I felt drawn to him. I never caught his name, but since the first time we interacted I picked up more hours at work hoping to see him again. As luck would have it there he was here again getting food for what I'm guessing is some sort of reptile. I saw him standing there looking at the registers contemplating if he should check out. It was cute like a mouse trying to escape from a cat.

After awhile I think he noticed me looking at him because he got even more nervous and approached me. He gently set the bag of insects down and a box of super worms then looked in his wallet to get money. Seeing how uncomfortable he was I initiated a conversation.

"So who are these for?" I asked.

He replied nervously, but without looking away "Gummy, my Crested Gecko"

"Oh how cute!" I said trying to make him more comfortable. "How old is he?"

"He's ahhhhhh 2 yrs old." The boy stuttered out.

Almost right after he replied the transaction was complete, so I handed him the receipt and when he went to take it I asked him what his name was.

"It's Y/n ma'am."

"What a nice name. I'm Emma, and since I see you in here a lot I expect to see you again soon. Don't disappoint me." I said letting go of the receipt.

"Ah I won't Emma." He practically whispered. Then Y/n blushed and left.

"What a cute guy I hope he comes back soon."

A/n: So here's another chapter for my handful of readers. I know it's still short, but I'm making progress. I'm trying to make their relationship progress slowly, but not too slow so you can expect the date to be not the next chapter, but the one after. Until then peace out!

Female x Shy Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now