Everyday Struggles

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Y/n was sitting in the mall by himself thinking as he drank his (insert favorite drink). He was thinking about people and how strange they are.

"I wish I wasn't so introverted and shy. I'm sitting here alone because I can't talk to people unless it's a transaction like buying this (insert favorite drink)."

Y/n sat there a bit longer then strolled to Hot Topic to get some new band tees.

He walked into Hot Topic and the employee at the desk greeted him with a hello to which Y/n smiled and nodded while avoiding eye contact.

Y/n looked at the band shirts mostly stuff like My Chemical Romance and Panic at the Disco, but he also saw some Slipknot ones (which he already had) and Metallica which had hit or miss shirts. After about 10 minutes of looking Y/n had 3 shirts 2 Pantera (1 was Vulgar Display of Power and the other was Cowboys from Hell) and a Slayer Raining Blood shirt. With that he decided to buy the shirts then go to Petsmart for pet supplies. So he bought the shirts using his card to avoid any unnecessary talking and left the mall.

Y/n arrived at Petsmart and entered once again greeted by an employee. Y/n nodded and didn't look at them, and then immediately proceeded to get pet supplies like parrot food, ferret litter and dog toys. After about half an hour Y/n decided he had what he needed and went to the registers to pay and leave.

Y/n loaded everything on the counter and was then greeted by the employee. To be polite he looked at her and said hello in return, but after he looked at her he didn't want to look away. She was stunning. Y/n didn't know what he loved more her silky long brown hair or her breathtaking brown eyes. His brain was fried he couldn't think. How was it he usually acted while buying what he needed? Not being able to remember he didn't say anything after hello.

Thankfully he didn't need to say anything more because she quickly scanned his items (the pet supplies) and he paid with his card again. Then she handed Y/n the bags and as Y/n grabbed the bags his heart skipped a beat. Next he left as quick as possible trying not to look weird and headed home, but he couldn't get this girl out of his head. Just then something occurred to him...he didn't even know her name.

A/n: I know this chapter was short, but here's why one my first insert story, two I wanted to get out a chapter now, and three I didn't need to do much yet and I accomplished what I wanted to, so now you have a better feel for Y/n and I've introduced our lovely lady.

I'll try and get the next chapter out tomorrow, but no promises. That chapter should be short too, but they'll get longer as we progress.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed chapter 1. If you have any advice let me know I did my best. Peace out!

Female x Shy Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now