Wait You Like Me!?

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A/n: Since this story now will be done as two perspectives Y/n and Emma don't expect much if any third person POV. That's it just a little warning now let's begin.


It had been a week since I had gotten insects for Gummy, and between him and Monty the Praying Mantis They already needed more insects. Then I remembered Emma wanted me to return to Petsmart soon! Remembering that I wasted no time getting ready. Within 10 minutes I was out the door and on my way.

Since I wanted to impress Emma I wore my favorite band tee (Imagine your favorite band tee), my favorite distressed skinny jeans, my black combat boots, and my favorite fadora. I don't know why, but my fadora helped it gave me a little more confident.

Anyways I pulled into the Petsmart parking lot then headed in only to be disappointed.

Emma was nowhere in sight. I had dressed up in my favorite clothes just to not see her. No matter I still needed to get insects and a couple other things. So I grabbed a cart and started looking.

I was so lost in thought I almost didn't feel the tap on my shoulder, but when I turned around I saw Emma!

I was shocked to say the least, before I could even try to think of what to say Emma begins to speak.

"So you decided to show up after all huh?"

"Well um ah yes." I mustered up.

"Good cuz I was hoping you'd show up today." She teased.

"Really?" I asked confused. "Why?"

"Yes and because you're cute." She flirted. "I don't know why, but your shyness is so cute."

I couldn't believe it! A girl who I liked thought I was cute! It couldn't be real. I was gonna pinch myself, but before I could Emma spoke again.

"Look I've gotta get back to work, but here's my number, and meet me Monday night at 7pm at the new Chinese place on Main Street." She commanded before trotting off.

"Well it looks like I've got a date for Monday night."

Emma's POV

"Yes! Not only did I get to talk to Y/n, but now we have a date for Monday night! I can't believe this is happening!"

I must have been happier than usual because apparently my colleagues noticed in the break room.

"So Emma why are you so smiley?" Barbara one of my middle aged colleagues asked. "Could it be that our little beauty has a date?"

"How does she know?" I wondered then I replied. "Actually I do Monday night with Y/n."

"Oh Y/n is he that shy boy I keep seeing catching glances at you?" Questioned Sharon. Sharon's nickname was Momma cuz she always acts like our mother, which was fine because we all loved her and she loved us too.

"Yes it is Momma. I figured out he's too shy to ask me so I found him today and asked him." I informed Momma and Barbara.

"Well done sugar. I'm proud of you." Momma praised.

"Me too darling. Y/n is such a good kid and I know you two will have fun." Barbara chimed in. I trusted Barbara because she knew Y/n better than anyone. Barbara was the only one Y/n was comfortable talking to which should be no surprise Barbara was too welcoming and pushy not to talk to.

Soon after that the end of break bell rang and we returned to work, but I couldn't focus much on anything knowing in 2 days I'd finally get my date with Y/n.

A/n: We've got a date! How about that? I'm gonna be honest this isn't how I planned my story, but I love where it's going. I'd like you to keep in mind this will be lemon free since both Y/n and Emma are too innocent to do anything like that at this point in time. So for now enjoy what I've got for you and come back tomorrow for the next two chapters 'Preparing' and 'The Date'. Until then Stay in Drugs and Don't Do School.

Female x Shy Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now