Wherever You Will Go

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"Goodmorning Mr. And Mrs. Hayes, I am here to collect Peter to walk to school." I say politely.

"Of course, PETER!" Mrs. Hayes shouts, then invites me inside.

"Coming Mom!" I hear Peter yell from upstairs.

"So Charlotte, are you ready for your aptitude test?" Mr. Hayes asks.

"As ready as I can be, considering I have been given no time to prepare." I say. "Although, despite my result I am choosing Dauntless." Being Candor I say the first thing that comes to mind and never filter what I say.

"And why is that?" Mr. Hayes asks.

"Trust me, I love it here in Candor, but I have always known I belong in Dauntless. I have always admired them." I say.

"I see, well I am sure your parents will be supportive of whatever choice you make." Mr. Hayes says.

"Dad, quit interrogating the poor girl." Peter says as he runs down the stairs.

"Good Morning Peter." I say, smiling and hugging him.

"Morning Charlotte." Peter says, hugging me back. After he lets go, Mrs. Hayes tosses Peter and apple that he catches as we make our way to the door.

"See you two after school?" Mr. Hayes asks.

"Of course dad." Peter says slipping on his shoes. We shout a goodbye as we exit the house, Peters parents shouting one back. I intertwine my hand with Peter's as we start to walk to the bus stop.

"So aptitude tests today." Peter begins.

"Yeah." I say. "Are you nervous?" I ask him.

"No, I know I am going to get Dauntless. What about you?" Peter asks.

"Kind of, I am just wondering how it works more than anything." I say.

"Careful there Char, you are beginning to sound like a Nose." Peter says, using a slang term for Erudite. I laugh lightly.

"So do you think and Stiffs or Hippies with transfer to Dauntless?" I ask.

"No way." Peter says. "And even if they did they wouldn't make it, they're weak."

"Yeah you're right." I say. As we reach the bus stop. Drew and Molly are already there.

"Morning Lovebirds." Molly teases.

"Molly, how many times do I have to tell you, Peter and I are best friends. Hense the hand-holding." I say.

"Yeah well, I guarantee you two will be together by the end of the first stage of initiation." Molly says. Molly and Drew constantly tease us about being secretly together. To be honest, I have always found Peter attractive, but even though I am Candor, I never admitted it.

The bus pulls up and we all Pile on. Peter glares at a group of Abnegation until they give up their seats, but them being the 'selfless' faction, it doesn't long.

Molly, Drew, Peter and I all sit down, and Peter puts his arm around me like he usually does when we are sitting beside eachother.

"Can you guys believe it? Its our last day of school before we transfer." I say excitedly. I have never liked school.

"Oh yeah definitely." Molly says.

"Just to make it memorable, we should annoy some stiffs today." Peter says as the bus stops in front of the school. We all nod in response.

Peter grabs my hand as we walk off the bus as we go line up with our fellow Faction members. We wait until there is a significant amount of Abnegation in line, then Peter, Molly Drew and I make our way over to the stiffs.

"So let me get this straight, all the food that we're not getting, you guys are giving to the factionless?" Peter asks. The Abnegation nod and I hear some yeses as well.

"You are a liar, why are you lying to me?" Peter asks.

"Everyone knows you keep it for yourselves, so why don't you just admit it?" I ask. One of the Abnegation is about to respond, but we hear something that makes us stop talking. It's the train horn, signaling the arrival of the Dauntless. My future faction.

"I am so excited to be one of them." I whisper to Peter.

"I am too" he whispers back.


"One hundred years ago after the war, our founders created a system that they believed would prevent future conflict and create lasting peace. Today, aptitude testing based on your personality will assign you to one of the factions. While it is our belief that choosing the faction indicated by your test is the best way to ensure success within the faction system, it is your right tomorrow at the choosing ceremony to choose any of the five factions, regardless of your test results. However, once the choice has been made, there will be no change permitted." An Erudite representative states.

Peter and I sit at the Candor table alone, Molly and Drew have already gone for their aptitude tests and have left. I sit at the table, bouncing my leg up and down nervously. I am finding it extremely difficult to calm myself down.

"Char?" I hear Peter say, "you alright?" 

"Huh? Yeah I'm fine." I say.

"You sure? You don't look okay." He says, grabbing my hand.

"Just nervous." I say. Peter frowns and pulls me into his lap. He kisses my forehead.

"Aww love, you have no reason to be nervous." Peter says.

"Peter, what if I am not cut out for Dauntless?" I ask.

"You're going to be fine, I have faith in you." Peter says.

"From Candor, Peter Hayes and Charlotte Jones." A representative says. I get up off of Peter's lap and he gets up right after.

We walk silently from the auditorium where we are waiting to be called for our tests to the testing rooms. Peter holds my hand as we walk. Because his room is ahead of mine, he swifty kisses my cheek and lets go of my hand.

"You're going to be okay." He says before walking to his door.

"I love you." I say, like I am about to die.

"I love you too." He says. Then the door opens

Here we go.

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