Chapter 1 : A surprising preposition

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Washington D.C.

The alarm clock blared, indicating the time for me to wake up from my sleep. The clock blared the second time and I sat up in bed, rubbing my eyes as my hair fell on my shoulders. The morning light shined through the white curtains as I looked out. Sliding out of bed I padded towards the window, pulling open a small portion of the window covered by the curtain. Outside the loft the city is waking up but the district is quiet. Closing back the curtains I stretched myself for a while and opened the door. Stepping out of the room our pet dog Christian, now a 2 year old Husky walked towards me, his tail wagging at the same time. "Morning boy." I said with a yawn. Rubbing his hair he barked softly in respond, enjoying the petting I gave him. Looking at the kitchen's direction I knew that dad is probably still in bed because of the emptiness. I heard my phone ringing in my bedroom and went back to pick up the call.

"Hey." Bruce's voice came through when I accepted the call.

"Hey." I replied. "I haven't heard from you in weeks."

"So do I. You've been busy."

"You can say that, occupational hazard."

"Clark is trying to do a piece on you."

"Funny. I heard that you and the Justice League has foiled a plot?"

"Darkseid's invasion attempt?"

"That. You seemed free. Where are you?"

"I just got back from patrol."

"And you couldn't sleep?"

"No, thought that I can talk to you."

"Well... not for long. I have to go to a cabinet meeting."

"About the Vice President?"

"Yes, Dally died, but not without consequences."

"Judging by the name calling you two seemed close."

"He was my mentor, don't get any weird ideas."

"Just saying." He replied. "They're saying that today's going to pick out a new vice president."

"Well, you're not wrong."

"If possible the ceremony is held today afternoon."

"I'll... see you there?"

"Sure. Love you."

"Love you." I said, ending the call.

The White House (Hours later)

Entering the White House dad and I walked side by side as the Secret Service agents flanked beside us and behind us. Reaching the Cabinet Room two agents pulled open the heavy oak doors for us to pass through. In the room we met with the members of the cabinet, all sat at their respective places and waiting for the meeting to commence. The Secret Service agents stayed in the room while the ones outside closed back the doors. "Ladies and Gentlemen." Dad said, after clearing his throat.

"Good morning sir." The Secretary of Defense, Matthew Mattis, greeted. I retained my silence as I slipped into my position on the chair as dad sat at my left hand side. He placed his notebook on the polished wood table and cleared his throat. "We all know what are we doing here today : To elect the successor to replace our recently departed Vice President Dallas Bolton."

"Yes, of course." Kendra Bennett, the Secretary of Homeland Security replied. "I would like to nominate the Secretary of State to succeed the Vice President." I blinked. Bennett is a Democrat, a rival to my dad's political party, the GOP or Republican. Due to my frustration between these feuding parties I chose to become an independent Secretary of State, not affiliated with the Democrats or the Republicans. Kendra is aware about it, as she also knew the power struggle. The president who was impeached prior to dad was a Democrat, that's what I heard through whispers of several Cabinet members. I was graduating that year when he was impeached, cared little about it although I studied international relations.

"You can't be serious." I said, breaking the silence.

"What do you mean serious Madam Secretary?" James Richardson, the Secretary of the Treasury looked at me. "According to the United States Presidential Succession Act you're next in line after the Speaker of the House and the President pro tempore of the Senate."

"Which there are still people in front of me." I pointed out. "You can't just jump queue and ask me to take over. It's not right."

"You're not keeping up on what is going down Madam Secretary." He rebuffed. "The Speaker of the House was impeached because he was caught taking bribes from a whiskey brewery."

"The Whiskey Ring scandal in real life?" I questioned. "Isn't that the scandal that plagued President Grant's presidency?"

"You know your political scandals Madam Secretary. I won't judge."

"And the President pro tempore?"

"She declined, due to health reasons."

"I have one more question for you all." I said, standing up. "Try to convince me that this bold move you've made will not jeopardize my father's career as president, not convicting him of nepotism and foreseeing an impeachment inquiry." Silence. "If you can't give me a reason to be, then I will tender my resignation."

"Madam Secretary..."

"This is my word Secretary Richardson." I said. "Give me a reason or I'll resign immediately." Agent Barrowman and Agent Allen, formerly the team leader in charge of protecting me, my father and his family, looked at me.

"All right, that's enough." Dad said, standing up. "Will all due respect, Madam Secretary..."

"Do not use that term sir." I said, my voice harsh. "I don't want to see you become the next President Grant."


"Further more, the United States cannot lose a good president like you, President Jeffery Christian Reagan. If you got impeached, it's my fault." I concluded. "Now, convince me." The Cabinet members fell silent. Nobody dared to challenge the president like this but I just did. Dad was staring at me now, his eyes showed nothing except that 'Don't pull this on me now'. I refused to show any response to that expression. Then Secretary Richardson spoke up, creating a buffer zone.

"How about we show the reports that will indefinitely convince you?" He offered.

"My patience is running out, you all know that." I said, sitting down. Then the Secretary of Defense slid a file towards him and he gave it to me. I studied the reports as dad retakes his seat, resuming his position earlier as they waited for me to finish reading.

"Nobody can handle Cuba as calmly as you can Madam Secretary. You averted war, not to mention what happened during Kennedy and Khrushchev's time." Okay, now I'm undecided.

"For the American people Madam Secretary. You can do it." Richardson tried to convince me again.

"... Let the press be witness to this. If all of you voted truthfully in front of them I will consider it." Agent Barrowman and Allen opened the door a few minutes later. The reporters entered the room, their cameras snapping away at the scenario as the microphones and recorders are primed to record any potential news material.

"All Cabinet members," Dad begun, standing up. "I hereby ask for your votes to determine should the Secretary of State succeed as the Vice President of the United States." For then, I sat back and shut my eyes, refusing to meet anyone's gaze until the votes are taken. "With the majority of 16 counts of votes I hereby approve the decision of my Cabinet to elect the Secretary of State to be the Vice President of the United States." Dad's words had sealed my fate, the burden of the Vice President of the United States will now befall on my shoulders.

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