Chapter 3 : Getting used

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United States Capitol Building

After the friendly visit at the school I was again whisked away by the Secret Service for a Senate hearing in the United States Senate. Stepping out of the sedan I walked up the marble stairs, the agents flanking me in all directions except my front. Entering the building we traveled down a hallway with portraits of senators and my predecessors, the vice presidents. Stopping in front of a pair of heavy oak doors Agent Barrowman stepped forward, knocking at the door a few times. I heard hustle and bustle inside before the door was opened.

"Mr. Speaker, the vice president is here." He said.

"Right on time." The man replied. I stepped in, walking past the men and women, from people not known to me to the people that I will have control in. Sitting on the black leather chair I cleared my throat while adjusting the microphone.

"Ladies, Gentlemen." I addressed. "Today is the day, the day you have to swear your fidelity to me as the President of the Senate and most of all, the Vice President of the United States." Everyone, including the Speaker of the House sat back on their chairs and listened to every word I have prepared to address them. "To be honest with you, I know that there are men and women here who had accused my father of nepotism in secret. You can express them now to me, by deciding yourself whether you want to swear your allegiance to me or not. If you wished to leave as a sign disapproval, please do. Fact is I'm tired in asking people who don't like me to swear allegiance to me." I put down the paper and gripped the wooden edges of the podium firmly. Everyone looked at me in shock, perplexed by my words. Nobody moved, stood up, or even look at me in the eye. "I am not going to repeat myself. What is your verdict people?"

"I support you Madam Vice President." A congressman spoke up, rising from his seat.

"I support you madam." A senator reacted, standing up and raised his right hand, preparing to swear. I nodded as more of them stands up to give their support but some of them sat there, not moving.

"I accept your decision Congress, and the Senate." I said, my voice shaky from what I've done. "You shall have your oaths now." I never gave the unresponsive people a look in the eye because I know they disliked my father, as Democrats because my father voted for his impeachment during his tenure in the Senate as a senior senator. I raised my right hand as they swore in front of me in respect and shook hands. Retaking my seat I waited for them to finish the daily session and the agents whisked me out again. Walking down the stairs I looked up to the skies, now still gloomy and rain drops started to fall.

"Madam Vice President, your car." Agent Barrowman said, opening the door of the sedan for me. As I prepared to enter a fireball was seen at the nearby Washington Monument and I gripped the door fringes. "Shit, the Washington Monument!"

"Agent Barrowman." I said.

"Get in there now madam!" He said, shoving me into the sedan. Several agents get in afterwards and the sedan promptly took off, speeding back to the White House.

"What's your situation Barrowman?" Someone sqwaked through the walkie talkie he is currently holding.

"Fireball at Washington Monument." He reported.

"What? Where's the vice president now?"

"She's with me, she's with me." He replied. "On route to the Castle now."

"Get the vice president to the Situation Room immediately upon return, orders from the POTUS himself." I couldn't help myself but look back at the direction of the obelisk where the fireball happened. The sedan reached the White House half an hour later and the Secret Service spilled out of the vehicle. They half pushed me to prompt my quick entry into the White House and took out their Glocks as a precaution. Something tells me that this is a pre-planned attack but I could not confirm my suspicions yet. Entering the Situation Room I can already understand how emergency the situation is. The Secret Service agents not on duty are now standing by dad's side, guarding him closely. Dad sat on a chair in the room, fingers crossed with his elbows on the desk. Mike Fox, the director of the C.I.A. nodded at me tensely as I slipped into my position, the chair beside my dad. Mike has been with my dad after he was elected President of the United States and remained loyal to him.

"Dad." I whispered.

"I'm glad you're safe Isa." He said, forcing a smile when I knew his heart was nearly breaking when he heard about the explosion and I was near there.

"Hey, hey, it's okay dad. I'm here, I know you're worried but I can take care of myself." Then the CIA director shot me a doubtful glance. "The Monument. Why did it explode?"

"It's hard to explain ma'am." The reply came from the director.

"In what way Director Fox? That I can understand? A bomb that went off pre-planned? Or that the FBI and CIA knew about it but failed to do something?" I asked. "How about I ask you a simple question? Why the hell am I near the Senate building when the monument exploded?"

"I..." the director tried to say something in defense but I folded my arms instead.

"Although I am not as old as you do in the espionage business but I know when a bomb is detonated pre-planned. Don't you dare lie to me." I said, my hands holding the table frame. "Now tell me what the hell is going on before I make you."

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