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(Skull is Spring Bonnie(FNAF))

Skull's P.O.V(FINALLY!) "Talk" 'Thoughts'

When I was 6, my family took me to a local Pizzeria, called Fredbear's Family Dinner. My favorite animatronic was Spring Bonnie. I was there for a birthday party. As the cake was about to be cut, Spring Bonnie walked up to me and offered to take me backstage. Being the naive little kid I was, I said yes.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Flashback brought to you by Colonello's gun~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

He took me into a secret room, and brought out a knife. I remember being frightened as I saw the dried blood stains. Then the bunny's head lifted to show a mans face. He had a wicked grin spread across as he looked into my tear filled eyes. And then he lunged at me and that was the last thing I remembered.

Until I opened my eyes the next morning. The only thought going through my head was 'what?' I looked around me and saw the Fredbear animatronic. I was confused. Why was I here. Why did I feel different. As I shifted my feet, I noticed that something was clearly wrong with my body. I lifted my looked down towards my feet, and almost screamed. MY FEET WHERE GOLDEN AND NOT MINE! A mirror. There was a mirror near me. I turned my head 'why was it so heavy?' and looked at the full length mirror. There staring back at me was the eyes of Spring Bonnie. Well, not just the eyes, but Everything! I lifted a hand to my face, and watched as 'my' reflection did the same. My face felt soft. Like fake fur..... I had a strange urge to touch the purple bow tie around my neck. So I gently touched the middle part of the bow, and a purple flash surrounds me. I looked human again. But very different. My previously short blonde hair, was now just past shoulder length and more of a golden-blonde. My blue eyes where now purple. I now have a pale tan and freckles. I was wearing a white undershirt with a purple vest, and black pants and shoes. My hair was also pulled back into a low ponytail, held together by a purple ribbon. To be honest, I looked more feminine. I tried touching the bow again, and I turned back into an animatronic. Well, guess I have to learn how to pretend 'Spring Bonnie.'

As the years passed, my human body continued to grow. Until I reached the physical age of 18. I stopped growing then. I got to learn about Fredbear and co. But to be honest, I never liked Fredbear. There was just something about him... And when they learned that 'Spring Bonnie' was killing kids, they all thought it was me.... Nobody litsend when I said it wasn't. That someone was framing me, using a costume to be me. And then Fredbear did something about it. He locked me up. In a small, dark room. Alone. I was in that room for 30 years. All that time alone, with my 'friends' turning their backs on me, drove me crazy. After 30 years, I snapped. I started a fire and burned the entire place to the ground and escaped.

Over the years my hair turned rotten green-gold color and was more wild. My clothes where now ripped slightly in the arms and legs. My eyes also turn silver. I learned that my appearance only turns like this when I am extremely angry or upset. Otherwise my appearance is normal.

As I ran down the street, I saw a motorcycle sitting there, unattended, with a key in. I saw this as my chance. I stole the bike and ignited the engine. Although I have never ridden a motorcycle before, it just felt right. I even started doing small things like going above the speed limit, taking sharper turns, even doing stunts. I was in awe of the towns I drove through. It was so different than when I was 6. As I was in one town, I finally stopped as I was low on gas. And because there was this car that had been following me for a long time. As I came to a stop and got off, a man got out of the car. He walked up to me and offered me a position in the circus. Doing stunts on a bike. I said yes.

Only one week since I joined the circus, it was the day before my first show. I was talking with the other members of the circus about it, when they brought something important up. "Hey, do you have a stage name, S?" An acrobat, Richard, asked. Well the question makes sense. I only told them to call me 'S.' I shook my head. "No." The others looked in thought. "Well, it should probably start with an 'S' huh?" Richard chuckled. 'Hm. Spring? Spring Trap? Skull? That's it!!' "Skull!" I suddenly said. Their eyes widened. "That's perfect! Now, is there anything you want to change about your appearance, 'Skull of Death?"

The next day everyone was surprised to see me with my hair cut just passed my ear, and dyed purple. I also had a few ear piercing. "Hi, I am Skull De Mort. The Immortal Stuntman Hated by Death itself!" I loudly exclaimed, in a show off type of way. "Wow. That is perfect for your act. But why 'De Mort?'" I smiled, "Because my mother was french. And 'De Mort' translates to 'of death.'" That was the last thing I said before I went on to perform.

It was 5 years later that I met Checker Face. I always had a strange feeling about him and Luce. But that didn't matter. I still kept my hair short and purple. I also kept on my show mask. If they were gonna call me their 'lackey' just because I wasn't part of the mafia, then I'll give them someone they can call a 'lackey.'

In the future that never was, I was personally killed by Byakuran. Though it was nothing personal, and I don't hold it against him with the -7(3) policy. Before he killed me, he apologized for doing so, and told me that he knew about me, and who I was. I would say I am surprised, but not. When I retained my memories of that 'future' in the 'present,' I actually tracked Bayakuran down and hugged him. And I may or may not have broke down crying as I told him everything. You could say that he was like my therapist. He listened to my problems and he gave me advice. He also knew that the only way I can 'die' was fire, that would melt my body away and allow my soul to be free. That didn't happen until I was 'technically' 100. I lived 11 years after the curse was broken. And the week before I was set free, I told the others about my past. They all accepted me. I was the final animatronic, the last murdered kid, I was the last broken soul to pass on.

Age when died: 6

Age when he was locked away: 24

Age when he escaped: 54

Age when he met Checker Face: 59

Age when the Arcobaleno curse broke: 89

Age died: 100


I do not own KHR. If you have an idea for a Skull one-shot, then please let me know. Thank you for reading! -SpringTrapLuver

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