Family Day

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Today the Vongola and allies where hosting a family day, where everyone can bring their family, if they wish too. Tsunayoshi had planned a long day of activities. They would play board games, eat food, and most importantly, there would be a volleyball tournament. And the winner would get a special prize. But, Skull did not expect any of his family to go. Except for his eldest child, his only son, who would already be there as his alias he went by in Nanamori. So imagine his surprise when his daughter suddenly appeared at the door. By herself. Without her father or brother. Skull almost fainted.

Skull's P.O.V

I had gotten an invitation from the young Vongola Decimo. Apparently they were going to host a 'Family Day'. Which is exactly as it sounds. Of course no one in the Mafia knew of my family and I intend on keeping it that way. So I decided to go alone. Without my husband ***** and my daughter Sakura.

Time Skip Brought to You by a Crossover

I was sitting on one of the couches drinking a glass of chocolate milk. A knock sounded on the door and Tsunayoshi quickly ran over to open it. 

No P.O.V

Tsuna opened the door to see a small little girl with bright orange hair in pigtails and large grey eyes. She looked up and smiled. "Um-hello! I'm Sakura. My Papa is here and I came for this family day!" Sakura held up the invitation letter. The decimo looked at her confused, but nodded his head and let her in. "So, Sakura... Who is your father?" Tsuna asked her, feeling complied to help this child to her family. Sakura just laughed. "I can find my Papa by myself. I am 4 years old now!" She smiled widely, showing off her purple colored braces. "I'll show you to the backyard." He then led her through the house and into the large grassy area with many picnic blankets and a volleyball net set high up. She then ran towards where the Arcobaleno were sitting together along with Kyoya.

Skull's P.O.V

I was sitting with my fellow Arcobaleno and my secret son, Kyoya. No one knew that he was my son. Ha. They don't know anything about me!

Done! There will be a part 2!!!!!!! And the first person to guess what anime crossover this is, will get tagged in part 2! UwU 

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