Chapter 7

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(Photograph by @voiceofnature used with permission)

As quietly as possible I emerge blindly from the passageway, nonchalantly closing the narrow door behind me, and startle the Roach. The lair of the Court of Shadows is dimly lit and smells of cool, damp earth. I trail my hand along the crumbling dirt wall for guidance as my eyes adjust from the complete darkness of the tunnels I just felt my way through.

I feel something I haven't felt in a long time: excitement.

The Roach is sitting at the crudely carved wooden table that occupies most of the den-like main room. Only one of the wall lanterns are lit; the archways into the other rooms are dark. Except for a small glow flickering from beneath the door to the office. A half empty bottle of wine rests beside him, a few empty bottles lay on their sides at his booted feet, and he's shuffling cards alone.

It feels almost as if I've stepped backwards through time. I can't help but grin.

The Roach tries to act as if I hadn't actually surprised him. He merely glances at me, expression flat and continues rearranging the cards. "Would that you were Taryn, down here, happening upon the Court of Shadows. Only that it is of no knowledge to anyone but its for his royal highness." He looks up at me then, half his face in shadow, and returns my grin, "Hello, Jude."

"What're you blabbering on about out there, Roach? I think it's time I cut you off." We both turn in the direction of the Bomb's disembodied voice.

"The Queen has graced us with her presence." The Roach calls back.

There's a loud scrape of a chair across the stone floor. Coming from what sounds like the office--which explains why it is the only other room that is lit--followed by swift footsteps and aggravated mumbling. "Definitely going to hide the alcohol now. All of it. Before you really--" The Bomb stops abruptly, mouth agape, and a fluff of white hair floats down over her brow when she sees me. At first it's more of a look of surprise on her face finding someone down here other than the Roach, the Ghost or even Cardan. And then its a look of recognition. And finally realization. All in a matter of seconds.

"Tell me where to find Grimsen." I blurt out before the Bomb can even issue a greeting. I'm thrumming with too much energy. A blaring cacophony of emotions. And my composure is wearing too thin; this was all too much at once but I'm trying hard to stay strong. I can admit to myself that I may have gone a bit soft in the mortal world.

"It's definitely Jude." The Bomb comments to the Roach. They share a huff of a laugh. Shaking their heads in disbelief.

A chair is pulled out from the table, the back and legs formed from roughly cut birch. The Bomb gestures for me to sit, the curling bark snags on the fabric of my sleeve but I ignore it. Her small set of wings catch the light in the slightest iridescent glow as she passes the thick pillar candle at the table's center and takes the chair beside the Roach, "You could say hello first. We haven't seen you in nearly an entire year." She grins bemusedly. She isn't offended by my lack of pleasantries. They both know it was by no small means I am here now. And that more than likely I haven't much time. It's not safe for me to be down here.

I sit at the table and quickly down the small polished wood cup of honey wine the Roach offers me. He shares glances with the Bomb; a silent communication that I can guess expresses their agreement in my obvious distress. Being paraded around on Locke's arm and brought to Cardan's presence at Court was something I was not prepared for. And it must be obvious in my expression. The Roach's long green fingers slide my cup back over to me from across the table. It's been refilled. This time I sip at it.

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