The hardest choice she ever made

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Peppa was very conflicted. How was this relationship with Dora gonna end? And how the heck was Dora 1/4 macaroni? But no relationship was gonna come without problems. This was just a bump in the toad of life if you know what I'm saying.

Peppa had a tough decision to make. She was sweating. A lot. Her pig hands were shaking with fear. Her four eyes quivered. Her 7"1 frame shook.
It was a choice harder than the emoji movie vs tall girl. Two fantastic movies, one hard choice to make.

But this was harder...

Peppa checked her dms. There was a message from @chuckecheese . The real Chuck E Cheese! Should Peppa dump Dora for Chucky? Or should she sacrifice a chance with the ultimate date to continue the troubled relationship with Dora!

Suddenly, the answer was as clear as youtube's turns and conditions (not that clear).


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- DP

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