a fresh start

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Just before we start I would like thank you all for 2 votes. It really means a lot to me guys.

Today was the start of something new. Peppa pig could feel sweat dripping down her pink nose, and her pig-hands were shaking with fear. Gone were the days of blissful childhood and frolicking in flowers... today was the day that she would put on her big girl shoes and step out into the real world.
Today was a beginning... Peppa just wish she knew if it was going to be a happy ending.

Hey guys! Do you like my new story? I'm trying to make it really deep and meaning full.
Also keep in mind to read this in a British accent.


HELLO DB HERE FROM THE FUTURE (may 2022) to bless all my readers with the new song I just produced.

Like all great artists I hand picked each instrument and played them to perfection. The lyrics are from a song I wrote in an upcoming chapter (11) so hold onto your lobes cause it's a doozy.

peppa pig x doraWhere stories live. Discover now