death in the shape of a bee

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Chuck lay dead on the floor. Everyone puzzled about why he was dead.

"Did I kill him?" Wondered Dora. "Nah, can't be." Luckily she didn't wonder it out loud, because police officer Thumblina showed up.

She was the one who made the discovery: "he was killed by a hit man!"

"A hit man?" Everyone collectively gasped. "*Gasp*".

"Yes. And the hit man was..." She pulled out a small object from chuckie's ear. "This bee!"

Everyone was shocked. "How can a bee be a hit man? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard," said Peppa.

Police officer Thumblina showed Peppa the bee. On its back said: Hit man for Shane Dawson and Clifford the dog.

"Wow so that bee really was a hit man," said Peppa.

"Yes. And Chuck is deadly allergic to bees!"

What did you think of that chapter? If you looked at the picture I posted on the previous chapter, you would've seen the bee I photoshopped in, and put the clues together.

Dumblings that were able to figure it out, DM me for a prize ;)


Dumbpis Blorgus

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