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"So?" It's the first thing that comes out of Ashley's mouth when I get to my locker. She is looking at me with hopeful eyes, the question hidden behind that single word is "has Jake shown up?" I shake my head. "Fuck, Sky. I can't believe Venus got that pissed."

"Either that or he hated me," I reply, hiding myself from her sight as I reach for my stuff.

"I don't believe that for a second."

"Come on, Ash." I close my locker a bit harder than I needed, facing my friend. "Have you taken a good look at Venus? She has no reason to be jealous of me."

"That's where you're wrong, my friend. Jake is not like the other guys your sister dated. He might be with her, but he doesn't strike to me as the type of guy who's interested in looks and you have much more in common with him than she ever will."

She has a point, but I'm still not convinced. Since our musical afternoon, Jake disappeared from my house. I know he and Venus are still together, because I see them at school and she's almost never home, always saying she's a Jake's.

Whenever my eyes meet his at school, the only thing he offers me is a small nod and a tight smile, before looking away. Ashley has been asking me everyday if he made an appearance, convinced all of this is caused by Venus' jealousy. As if.

"I really don't think so, Ash."

"Maybe she knows about your crush." My blood freezes inside my veins like it always does when she says something like that.

"She doesn't." I try to sound firm, but I would be lying if I said I don't have my doubts. "She's is my sister, alright? She can be a proper bitch when she wants to, but she wouldn't do that."

"We're talking about this later," she says as the bell rings. "I'll see you at lunch." I watch as she disappears, heading to her class.

As usually happens when Ashley says these kind of things to me, I can't focus on anything besides her words. The thought of Venus being jealous of me and Jake is something that really mess with my head, it gives me hope and hope can be very dangerous sometimes.

I anxiously wait for lunch, when I'm gonna be able to talk to Ashley again, hear what she has to say about this whole situation and maybe form a thought of my own, because honestly, I'm in the dark and I'm scared as heck of what I may find when I turn on the light.

The ringing bell sounds like music to my ears. I rush to my locker where I know Ash will be waiting for me, but as soon as my eyes find her, someone blocks my away, making me stop.

"Hi," the blocker says with a shy smile, "I'm Josh." I know who he is, Josh happens to be Jake's twin brother. The real question is, why is he talking to me?

"Hi," I reply, confused. "I'm Sky."

"I know. I want to ask you something, but it may be kind of weird." The fact he's talking to me alone is already pretty weird, but there's something about his demeanour that makes everything seems ok.

"Alright, go on."

"Do you wanna go to prom with me?" My eyes widen and I take a step back. This is not just weird, it's the weirdest thing that ever happen to me. "Look, I know we never talked or anything, but I don't have a date and I was thinking about going alone, but then my brother told me I should invite you, because it would be really nice if you were there. So I thought, why not, y'know?"

"Jake said that?" The way I say it screams I'm in love with your brother, but I don't give half a shit about it. I was so afraid he thought I was weird after spending an afternoon with me, but now his brother is standing right here telling me he said it would be nice having me around.

Blue Sky // Josh KiszkaWhere stories live. Discover now