Welcome to hell- I mean home.

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The one were Salem returns to her personal hell


A place where I can go

To take this off my shoulders

Someone take me home"

"I'm surprised that we haven't run into each other."


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"Uh actually, we have. Twice..."


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"Welcome home, Miss. Salem, Master Diego." Said the familiar voice of Dr. Pogo, the chimp butler. "Hey Pogo, it's been awhile, hasn't it?" Salem asked with a smile as she hugged the chimp. "That it has, Miss. Salem, that it has." Pogo replied.

"Is anyone else here yet?" Diego asked Pogo "Master Luther arrived this morning and Miss. Allison arrived a few minutes before you two did." Pogo told the siblings. "Thanks, Pogo." Babydoll replied with a nod before walking upstairs with Diego.

The siblings heard movement coming from Number three's room as they walked down the hallway toward Diego's old room but they stopped and Diego nodded at his sister. "Go talk to her, I'll put your bag in your room." Diego told Salem and she smiled at him before knocking on Allison's door. "Come in!" Babydoll heard her sister yell and she walked into the room. "Hey, sis." Babydoll said with a sarcastic smile.

Salem was never close to either of her sisters but they were still her family and they meant everything to her, they were part of the reason why it was so hard for her to leave. "Babydoll?..." Allison asked, shocked.

"I know you're probably pissed at me for leaving, I promise that I have a good reason that I will tell you one day." Babydoll told her sister seriously before Allison pulled her into a hug.

"Okay, I love you but if you continue to touch me, I will kick your ass." Salem threatened and Allison quickly let go. "Sorry but um. Holy shit! You're here! And wow, you haven't changed a bit." Allison told her and Salem laughed.

"I'm here, how are you? How's Claire?" Salem asked and Allison's smile faded a bit. "Uh she's good... Wait, how do you know about Claire?" Allison questioned her sister, she hasn't talked to Salem since she left and as far as Allison knows Salem hasn't talked to any of the siblings for years, most of the siblings thought Babydoll was dead.

"Diego told me and it's not hard to find out what's happening in The Allison Hargreeves' life." Salem said sarcastically and Allison smiled a little.

"I guess that's true, so what do you do for a living?" Allison asked her sister and Babydoll shrugged. "I'm a model." Salem told her sister and Allison looked at her, shocked.

"Oh really? I'm surprised that we haven't run into each other." Allison said and Salem smiled a smile full of sarcasm.

"Uh actually, we have. Twice... and I worked on one of your movies." Salem told her with a tone full of loathe and Allison looked even more shocked.

Salem wasn't surprised that Allison never noticed her, growing up Allison never paid attention to her sisters, they just got in the way of her spotlight most of the time. Vanya and Salem didn't mind that Allison never paid attention to them, when they were kids, Salem and Vanya were friends, they would spend hours together in the music room, Vanya playing the violin and Salem playing the piano, they were just fine without Allison.

"Oh." Allison said feeling a bit guilty. "Yeah but I need to unpack, I'll talk to you later." Salem rolled her eyes before walking off to her own room.

Babydoll walked into her old bedroom and smiled at the familiar pink walls, the smell of vanilla that her room for some reason always smelled like, the Christmas lights that were strung all around her ceiling and the wall of photos that were mostly of her and Klaus when they were kids.

She saw that Diego left her bag on her bed and walked over to it. She unzipped her bag to see that most of the clothes were black and red, making her smile.

"Ah Diego knows me so well." Salem said to herself as she started putting away her clothes in the pink dresser that has been in her room since childhood.

As she's unpacking, she can't help but smile at the memories from this room, from sitting on the floor and playing board games with Klaus, Five, Diego and Ben, which almost always ended up violent, to her first time.

This room held a lot of good memories and a lot of bad ones but Babydoll was pulled out of her thoughts by a voice.

"So, The demon returns."

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