Hey, superstar

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The one were Salem sees a ghost.

"Oh, please someone help me, I don't care anyone, anything

'Cause I'm so sick of being so lonely

I miss all my family

God, I don't care, anyone, anything

'Cause I'm so sick of being so lonely"

"Hey, Benny."

"Hey, superstar

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"Hey, superstar."


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After Salem's fight with Luther, she went upstairs with Klaus to her room. As soon as she walked into her room, she felt a familiar presence, making her smile.

Klaus plopped down on Salem's bed and looked at her. "What? You okay?" he asked her and she smiled.

"Yeah, hey Benny." She looked at the corner of her room where the ghost of her brother was standing. "Hey, superstar." Ben replied with a fond smile.

Before Ben died and even after he died, Ben and Salem were best friends, they understood each other, they both had darkness inside them that they couldn't control. They both knew what their siblings thought of them, that their siblings were scared of them, it wasn't hard to hear the whispers or see the side glances.

The public called them 'The Monster Twins', they had to grow up with that hanging over their heads like the sword of Damocles but the siblings didn't care, Salem and Ben knew that they would always have each other.

"You know, you're the first one to mention my job." Babydoll told her brother as she walked over to her bed, Ben laughed. "Actually Diego was." Ben reminded his sister.

"Diggy was there when I started modeling, plus he's never mentioned it, he just knows about it." She replied while Klaus put his hands on her waist, pulling her into his lap. "Is Diego always with you?" Klaus asked Salem and she laughed.

"No, he just breaks into my house a lot, so much so that he somehow has a key now." She shrugged. "And you, I'm mad at you." Salem told Ben while pointing at him and Klaus chuckled.

"Benny, what did you do to our poor Babydoll?" Klaus asked jokingly and wrapped his arms around Salem. "Me?! I didn't do anything!" Ben replied, raising his hands in surrender, Salem got up from Klaus' lap making him whine.

"Hey!" Klaus said with a groan and Salem rolled her eyes jokingly. "Exactly! You haven't done anything, you haven't visited me in months." Babydoll told Ben and he rolled his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Babydoll. I've been a bit busy taking care of Klaus' high ass." Ben told his favorite sister with a small smile but Salem could tell that his smile was fake.

Ben had to watch his brother, pretty much the only person he could talk to other than Salem, wasting his life away with drugs and alcohol. Ben knew why Klaus did drugs, to keep the ghosts away but Ben still couldn't help but feel jealous of Klaus.

Klaus gets to live his life, he gets the girl, he gets to party and have fun, he gets to feel human touch, he gets to breathe while Ben gets to watch him waste his life and be a ghost. Salem knew that Ben felt that way, he had confessed one day after he watched Klaus overdose, she just wished that there was something to do to help him but there wasn't.

"Klaus, how sober are you?" Babydoll asked him after a couple of seconds of silence, Klaus looked at her with a lazy smile and stood up.

"Not at all, why? Do you want to get high?" Klaus questioned and Ben looked at Salem, praying that she would say no.

Salem got sober over 15 years ago but she did relapse a couple times over the years but every time Ben and Diego were there to help her.

"Yes, I do but I'm not going too. I'm clean now but we should go try to summon dad." Babydoll told Klaus and he groaned while Ben sighed in relief. "Why?~" Klaus whined and wrapped his arms around Salem's waist, Salem put her arms around Klaus' neck and smiled.

"So Luther will get off our asses, let's go." Salem pulled away from Klaus and left her room with Klaus trailing behind.


~Sorry that this is a short chapter but it will be a double update! I'm trying to work on my writing so if you have suggestions or something that you want to happen, let me know and I will try my best to make it happen. When do you think I should reveal what happened the night that Salem left?~

Stay beautiful,

-Lonnie <3

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