A/N Black Lives Matter

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So just to start I have chosen the new face-claim for Salem and it's Lindsey Morgan but that isn't the point of this author's note

The point is to talk about George Floyd and the B.L.M. movement, normally I wouldn't get involved with things like this or really get involved at all but this time, I am.

I would like to start off by saying that I am not black, I have no idea what it is like to be black but like most people when they watched the video of the murder of George Floyd, I was horrified.

I felt sad, angry- there isn't a word for how I felt. What officer Derek Chauvin did to George was MURDER, plain and simple, it was murder.

If you have your knee on someone's neck for eight fucking minutes and they die, that's murder. Badge or not.

And the three officers that just stood around while Chauvin (Who has a history of targeting innocent people of color) murdered an innocent man, are accessories to murder.

It is fucking RIDICULOUS that this happened and it is fucking ridiculous that Derek Chauvin had 18 complaints against him (Only two of which were "closed with discipline") and he was still allowed to carry a badge and gun.

That just shows how broken are justice system is, 18 fucking complaints and only two were "disciplined".

And the way the News are portraying the protests and riots is so wrong, they're only showing you the bad things and blame the protesters for everything when the cops have thrown tear gas and shot rubber bullets at innocent people who were peacefully protesting.


As much as I want to join the protests and help this movement, help black voices be heard. I unfortunately can't go and join so I decided to use what platform I have to give you guys some information.

So if you're like me and can't go and join the protests, here's a few ways you can help:

1) Donate to some causes that need funding:

Here's a few links:

Black Lives Matter:


Gofundme for George Floyd:


NAACP Legal Defense Fund:


National Bail Fund Network: 


2) Sign a petition



Justice for George Floyd:


3) Support black creators and their voices but DO NOT OVERSHADOW THEIR VOICES. Help their voices be heard, don't yell over them.

4) If you have a platform, USE IT. Even if it's just two followers or two hundred thousand, use your platform to inform people of what's happening and how they can help. Don't just change your profile picture and call it good, or post a black square and never speak of B.L.M. again. Give out information for protests and donation funds, help any way you can.

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