If it's chain, it's free reign.

917 31 2

The one were Klaus and Traea bond

"'You came with love, a purpose, and your mother's curls

I'll be with you every step of the way, ay

Don't live your life tryna blend in, stick out

Trust your gut and don't you get into those doubts

Remember God is like the sun, he always comes out

Just when you think the dark's here to stay'

My dear, you will feel her. In your mind, you will hear her

And if she could use words, use words

She'd say 'You're beautiful, but don't you overplay that card'

She'd say 'You're spiritual, so don't ever forget that part'

She'd say 'You are so much stronger than you even think you are

Let your heart, let your heart lead the way'

That's what she'd say."



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"Je suppose que je suis le vrai idiot ici, hein Five?"

"Je suppose que je suis le vrai idiot ici, hein Five?"

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"Know anything about stealing?"

"Know anything about stealing?"

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Drugs and Candy [Klaus Hargreeves x Female!Oc]Where stories live. Discover now