A Goodbye Note

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The  one were Salem finishes her story

"I love you, but this is goodbye

I swear to remember the good times"

"I-I had twins, Klaus."

"We found mom a couple of minutes later and she was able to save dad, he told me to leave, that 'Me and my bastard child would never be welcomed here' I-I never meant to hurt him! I-I just want to-to keep my b-baby safe

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"We found mom a couple of minutes later and she was able to save dad, he told me to leave, that 'Me and my bastard child would never be welcomed here' I-I never meant to hurt him! I-I just want to-to keep my b-baby safe." Salem told her siblings with tears streaming down her face, she felt an arm wrap around her shoulders to comfort her and she looked up to see that it's Allison's arm that's around her.

"A-Astraea, the girl you found, what happened to her?" Vanya asked and Diego sighed, leaning forward in his seat. "We don't know..." he told her and Salem nodded.

"I tried to summon her, in case she was dead but nothing happened. I have tried once a month ever since that day, just in case but nothing ever happened..." Salem sighed.

"Wow, mom, your life is screwed up but at least you're rich." The curly haired ghost boy said as he popped up in the middle of the living room and shrugged, scaring the crap out of Klaus. "Klaus, what's wrong?" Vanya asked him but all he did was point shakily to where the teenage ghost was standing.

It took a few seconds for the other siblings to realize what he was saying. Klaus sees a ghost. "Your kid is dead?!" Allison asked in shock and Salem shook her head. "No... well not really. They have the power of astral projection so they can walk the plane between life and death." Salem explained with a shrug.

"T-They?" Klaus looked up from the ground and Salem played with her ring, nervously. "I-I had twins, Klaus." Salem's voice cracked and her siblings looked at her in even more shock.

Klaus stood up from his place on the couch and stormed off making Salem sigh and put her hands over her face. "Just give him time, he'll understand." Allison told Salem and rubbed her back to comfort her while Five rolled his eyes.

"Time is something we don't have." Salem went to ask Five what he meant but before she could, he had teleported off and came back with Klaus, pushing him on the couch.

"You two need to talk. Klaus, those kids aren't getting any younger, get to know them while you still can. Salem, it was kind of shitty of you not to tell Klaus when you first got here but I understand that it was hard for you to tell him." Five told his two siblings before he teleported out of the room again.

"Who was that? I like him, he has fire." The curly haired ghost said with a smirk and Salem rolled her eyes. "Don't you have a body to float back into?" Salem asked sarcastically and the ghost boy sighed.

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