A Missing Person and Attempted Murder

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The one were Salem loses her temper

"Everyone thinks that we're perfect 

Please don't let them look through the curtains


I see things that nobody else sees"

"Well, no shit, Diego!" 

"Well, no shit, Diego!" 

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 !Trigger warning: Panic attack.!

15 years ago.

"I can't look, Diggy, I'm too scared." Salem told her brother while staring at the test that's sitting face down on the bathroom sink, Diego hugged Salem and sighed.

"W-Whatever the t-test says, it w-will be f-fine, I will be right here with y-you." He told Salem and she nodded.

"Can you do it? I-I can't look at it, I can't d-do it." Salem asked her brother and Diego nodded, pulling away from the hug.

Diego grabbed the test from the sink, looking at it and when he saw the little plus sign, his heart broke for his sister.

"W-What does it say, Diggy?" Salem asked as she played nervously with her silver ring that Klaus had given her on their 15th birthday, Diego looked at Salem and put the test down before pulling her into a hug.

Salem wasn't stupid, she knew what he was telling her without even saying the words. Salem Mariana Hargreeves was pregnant.

She felt the sword that has been swinging over her head since she first started feeling sick come crashing down, Salem didn't know what to do so she just cried.

"Shit, Diggy, what am I going to do?!" Salem asked her brother while sobbing. "D-don't look at m-me! I-I've never b-been p-pregnant before!" Her brother told her, making her look at him and roll her eyes.

"Well, no shit, Diego!" She yelled at her brother, annoyed and she hit his arm.

"I-It will b-be okay, y-you just n-need to talk t-to Klaus." Diego told his sister and played with her long black hair.

"Y-you're right, I'm sorry for yelling at you, Diego." Salem told her brother. "I-It's okay, you're j-just s-scared." Diego told his sister who was still sobbing into his chest.

"I-Its okay, I'm r-right here with y-you..." Diego told his sister and sat down on the floor with her, Salem laid her head on his lap and sighed. "What am I going to do, Dig?" Salem asked her brother after she calmed down a bit and she played with her ring, Diego sighed and played with Salem's hair.

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