School Day!!! (ew)

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    The sweet smell of sweaty, freshly out of middle school bodies clumped together into one, hot, auditorium. They were all in alphabetical order, which took an extra ten minutes. The Freshmen Class was, notably smaller than any before. Matilda guessed it was because people learned how to close their legs. "Hello Freshmen!" The same, wrinkly lady from earlier was on stage. Matilda wanted to sleep already. She had heard this before.. As she was about to get some extra snoozes, a boy next to her shook her. "Huh?" She asked. It was him. Ray Croy. Matilda shivered. She forgot he existed. "Tilly, it's me. Ray. Do you wanna go to the club fair with Avis and I?" He asked, sounding polite. That would fade. Matilda was about to say no, but she sighed. She couldn't. "Of course. When should we go?" Matilda uttered. Ray pulled back, pushing his bangs out of his face. "This Friday. You don't have to go Tilly." He snorted. "No I wanna go!" Matilda forced. "I'm just.. tired." She purred. Ray nodded. "See you than, Cro Bud!" 

Once they were released, kids scrambled out like people running from a tiger's cage. Matilda tried to meet up with anyone, but instead got shoved and pulled. Great.. She thought, picking up her books. No one helps here. Everyone's mean. Louis appeared in front of her, touching his ghostly hand to her shoulder. If I could help, I would. He said. Matilda got to her feet, and headed to her first class. Her schedule was burned in her brain. 

First Period History (suuuuuckksss!!!!!)

Matilda was so sleepy. She was like this her first year too. She hardly recognized the kids here she was sleepy. But, she was rudely awoken by Mr. Vickson's syllabus slapped on her desk. She was almost surprised with how organized and specific it was. Matilda remembered how surprised she was last time. This little piece of paper had every homework assignment, every test date, every quiz date.. even what to bring to class on certain days. Matilda smiled as she remembered how upset he was when a snow day would ruin is precious plans. She felt a poke to her back and looked behind. Sawyer Rodgers. The boy who, in eighth grade, brought a lighter to class. Needless to say he was suspended for 10 days exactly. Pre-Death Matilda didn't know yet, but he'd become her friend. "Can I borrow a highlighter?" He asked. Matilda proudly bestowed a crisp, yellow highlighter to this pupil in need. "Thanks." He replied. Woooww... amazing chivalry. Louis purred. I know. 

 Second Period Theatre

Avis had forced Matilda into Theatre. Matilda hadn't cared last year, but know she knew how toxic these kids and teacher are. Avis smirked at Matilda, and made her sit next to her and Ray. Ray.. Matilda knew who he was know. She turned away. "The first play we will do is an adaptation of Shiloh." Mrs. Fray announced. It was this play that ruined everything. Matilda clenched her fists. She looked away with a huff. "I need to go to the bathroom." She stated suddenly. Everyone looked at her, and Matilda ran.

Matilda, come on! You can do this! Louis sounded supported. He had a smile on his face. Matilda huffed, tears pricked her corners. "I can't face them again!" She cried. "Can't face who?" A girl asked. Matilda whipped her head around, seeing  a beautiful, cherry haired girl. Her freckles dappled her face like a fawn. "Are you alright? Do you need a pad? I have chocolate!" She offered. Matilda wiped her tears and smiled. "No.. But thank you for asking.." She murmured. The cherry haired girl beamed.  "I'm Maggie." Maggie offered a hug, and Matilda took it. "Call me Tilly." 

See? You're making friends! Now get back to Theatre! Matilda sighed. She had too. Matilda walked into the Theatre room and sighed. "I'm ready."

Third Period Biology

Matilda already knew she had Ray in this class. She had signed up to do it with him when he asked in Eighth Grade. How innocent Matilda was. She wished Ray would just.. stop. I know you don't like him.. but we can get through this! Louis purred. Matilda rolled her eyes. She walked into the classroom and locked eyes with Ray. His dark eyes met her green. They battled with gazes for a bit before a junior accidentally pushed her to get into the class. Ray got up and helped Matilda retrieve her things. "Be more careful," He hissed. The junior shrugged, giving a meek apology and sitting down.

 "You good Tilly?"

"Yes." Matilda snarled. 

"Chill," Ray growled.

Matilda sighed. "Sorry.. I'm having a bad day." She apologized.  Ray mouthed something but just shrugged. "It's good Till." Matilda sat next to him nervously. This is when it starts. Harmless staring, harmless eye contact. Matilda just grumbled, covering half her face with hair. She didn't even care who the Biology teacher was. She wanted to leave this class. 

Fourth Period Art

 Matilda entered her art room with a smile, her sadness melting away. Mrs. Decosta was nice. She had a husband, Mr. Decosta, who was also nice. Mrs. Decosta and Mr. Decosta were everyone's favorites. Mr. Decosta taught an Army Prep course, but also taught English. The Army Prep kids always joked about how Mr. Decosta was still love-struck with his wife, even after four kids and another on the way. Matilda thought it was sweet. She sat down next to Avis and listened as Louis talked about his dreams of becoming an artist. It failed when I died though. That's sad Louis. I know.

 Mr. Decosta came into class in the middle of Mrs. Decosta teaching a lesson. Matilda rolled her eyes as he handed her some chocolates. Mrs. Decosta snickered, and gave him a coffee before shooing him out. Avis sighed dreamily. "I hope me and Ray end up like that." Matilda shivered as she thought of Ray. "I hope I end up like that dried paintbrush."


Matilda was lucky to be blessed with first lunch. She got her tray of food, and scanned the cafeteria. No one. Except.. "Oh hey Tilly." Ray smiled. Ray. 

Matilda sat with Ray, and silently named his friends. They all called Matilda emo, sensitive, a baby, all things edgy 14 year old boys out of middle school things could throw at someone who asks them to stop joking around about sensitive topics. Matilda sighed. Just like last time. 

Fifth Period English

Now, Matilda had Mr. Decosta. He seemed pretty chill, and gave a basic introduction to his class. She listened, appreciating the face he passed out papers about pronouns. Matilda put "she/her" and passed it up. Mr. Decosta was very nice, like Mrs. Decosta. Matilda glanced around the room, seeing on his desk were pictures of his kids. One kid asked about his kids, and he lit up. "This is Phillip, he's a sophomore here. This is Leona, she's an eighth grader, and my twins, Elexis and Alexander. They're both in fourth grade." Matilda thought back in her head. She had seen Leona last year. That was cool. Mr. Decosta, like last time, passed out Mood Journals. Matilda gripped, hers, her arms shaking as tears formed in her eyes.  

Sixth Period Gym

Matilda had noticed how quiet Louis had been. He seemed to just be looking longingly at all the kids. You good Louis? Yea.. Just.. wishing I was alive. 

Matilda ignored the teacher for most everything, just boredly fiddling with her thumbs and nodding. She hated Gym. 

Seventh Period Math (aka the WORST time to have math!!!)

Everyone was too tired to listen to Mrs. Aye. So she blasted loud music to wake them up. Matilda doodled, bored. She was glad to go home. When that bell rang.. she was out

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