Homecoming (Part 2)

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The Dance

Matilda held Sawyer's hand as they walked into the crowded school gym. Kids danced, laughed, cried, and some kids outside were calling their moms. The perfect atmosphere for drama. She gripped her friend's hand tightly. Matilda didn't want to be abandoned.. like last time. Sawyer carefully held Matilda close. "Ready?" His voice was gentle and kind, welcoming even. Matilda shakily nodded. 

Matilda followed Sawyer to one of the tables. Maggie and Jennie were together, waving happily to them. "Wow! Didn't think you'd come Tilly! You look beautiful." Maggie purred. She felt her face flush with a pink. "Thank you." It meant so much coming from her, the most beautiful girl in the world. But we're in high school now! I sound stupid calling her a girl. It's young woman, or young lady. Tilly.. it literally does not matter.

Matilda ate some of the shitty snack options they had, while Maggie and Jennie made out. Sawyer stood awkwardly behind Matilda. He was nervous. She could tell. He gently put a hand on her shoulder. Matilda flinched, no matter how gentle, how soft. It caused her anxiety. "Would you like to dance?" Sawyer asked, his tone gentle and smooth, like butter. His hand was out, his palm exposed. Matilda gripped it, beaming up at him. "Sure."

The Dance Floor

Matilda followed Sawyer to the middle of the gym floor, or the "dance floor". He gave her dumb smile, and she giggled. He had such a stupid little face. Sawyer held her hand and positioned her in front of him. He placed his hands on her waist. Matilda pulled away. He blinked. "Sorry.. I.. I don't like that.." She murmured. Sawyer nodded. He held both her hands. "Guess we're doing a salsa then." He snickered. Matilda wanted to stay like this forever.  Sawyer and Maggie were so different from Avis and Ray. It made her long for them both even more. 

After a bit of awkward dancing (if you could call it that), Matilda noticed Avis in the corner of her eye, staring her down. Her gaze were like knives, stabbing Matilda in every part. She pressed close to Sawyer, ignoring her stare. "Can we move from here?" Matilda asked, gripping him tight. He nodded, leading her back to the table. 

Maggie's Great. 

Matilda explained to Maggie the situation, while Sawyer and one of his friends were talking. "Avis hates me and wants me dead, and Ray won't leave me alone." She murmured, a tear rolling down her cheek. Maggie wiped it away with her sleeve. "We won't let them hurt you." She promised. "I'll never let anyone hurt you." Matilda smiled. 

"Wow.. Last time I never had anyone like you.." 

Maggie blinked. "Last time?"

"I-I mean last year!" Matilda quickly correct. "Last year.. all I had was Avis and Ray.. Ray wasn't touchy with me in eighth grade.. I don't know why he is now.." She sighed, covering her exposed shoulders. Maybe Matilda should stop wearing exposing clothing.. Maybe he'd stop.. Maggie held Matilda's hand tightly. "Hey, it's not your fault. It shouldn't be happening. Wear what you want, and don't let anyone dictate how you choose to present yourself." 

Dance Floor 2, AP (After Peptalk) 

Matilda gripped Sawyer's hand, asking him to dance. Properly. He smiled, gladly taking her out. He held her hands gently as the song switched to a slow one. She beamed at him softly. "How about.. we break some gender roles eh? You hold my waist, I'll put my hands on your shoulders. Is that good?" Matilda nodded. "It's perfect Sawyer." She whispered. "No one's ever cared for me this much. No one's asked how I feel. It feels.. nice to have this." Matilda murmured. 

"Well, you deserve it." He replied. "Someone like you deserves the world. I wanted to help you see how much you really deserve." Sawyer added. Matilda hid her red face. She couldn't believe someone like Sawyer cared for her.  She crookedly danced, holding her best friend close. Matilda breathed in his aura of pleasantness. 

"Matilda Cross!" Hissed Avis. Matilda blinked, pulling away and backing up. "What..?" She asked, her voice shaky. Avis was pissed, her face a wrinkled, angered, mess. "I knew you'd be with him.  First Val, than my boyfriend, and now him? God.. I can't believe you!!" She growled. The party seemed the stop. Time seemed to stop. Matilda just ran away. She ran and ran. Ran away and ran, into the bathroom.

Matilda.. you can't run from everything.

Yes I can. 

No, you really can't. You need to stand up for yourself. You need to show everyone what you're made of! 

I can't do that if all I'm made of is disappointment! Matilda cried desperately. I don't want to face them. I don't want them to see how weak I am! She felt tears stream down her face. Matilda.. you have to make yourself strong.. Matilda huffed. This is why she didn't do parties. 

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