A.V.I.S, Absolutely Vile Inbred Student

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Wardrobe Malfunction 

Matilda was stuck on what to wear. She was scared to wear a skirt because she didn't want to get stared at or dress-coded. She wanted to make sure Ray stayed away. Her lip quivered as she fell to her knees with a sob. Tilly.. You're going to be okay. I'm here now. I understand what you feel.. Louis sounded. "How?" Matilda cried. Louis frowned. I know more than you know. 

Matilda decided on jeans with a sweater her mom knitted for her, and boots. She was so scared. She walked to bus-stop, biting her lip as she passed the other figures. Seniors, juniors, they were so tall. And Matilda was about 5'7 herself. She nervously stepped onto the bus, sitting in her seat. Behind her, she heard two boys snickering. "Dennis- Stop-" One managed. Matilda quickly put in her earbuds.

Avis's Homecoming Cry

Now that it was September, all anyone could think about was Homecoming. Matilda did not trust Homecoming. Who named it that? home-coming. Why? Matilda shook it off, finding Maggie and Sawyer in a crowd. "Hey," She greeted. "Are you excited about homecoming?" Sawyer asked with a purr. "I'm going to ask out Jennie!" Maggie purred. Matilda smiled. There goes my date.. She thought. Sawyer nudged her. "Maybe me and you should go." He joked. Matilda laughed, her face flushing. "Anyhow," Sawyer started again. "I hope we can start our fundraisers soon, it'll be fun." Matilda asked, "What fundraiser?" Maggie beamed. "For YAA Club!" She purred. Matilda was excited. "What are we selling?" She asked. "Chocolate." Perfect. 

A loud cry sounded, and Matilda turned her head. "Ray.. take me back.." Avis whispered. She shivered, seeing Ray push her off of him. "You had your tongue down his throat. No Avis." He hissed. "Who will go to homecoming with me?" Avis cried. "Obviously, he will." A tall boy behind Avis awkwardly looked off. Matilda watched, feeling bad that she got joy out of it. Sawyer put a hand on Matilda's shoulder. She flinched. "Let's go to class," He whispered. "This is messy." 

History Project

Mr. Vickson pointed out the history project clearly underlined on the syllabus. Matilda was surprised when he allowed them to choose their partners. Of course, Sawyer and Matilda chose each other. 

Sawyer and Matilda got assigned the Women's Protest for voting rights. She smiled at him. "This should be easy." Matilda said. "Hopefully," Sawyer seemed hopeful, but aware. "I.. I can give you my number." he chuckled. "Ok Tilly." Matilda wrote it down and smiled to him. "Don't send me BTS pictures! Alright?" She purred. Sawyer chuckled. "Alright, sounds like a deal."

Theatre Troubles 

Matilda walked into Theatre with an immediate regret. Avis was crying, on her knees begging for Ray to take her back. Mrs. Fray growled at Matilda to "sit in a seat" So, she did. Matilda sat in the auditorium chairs and just boredly read. 

Ray sat next to her, his arms crossed. Anxiety flared in Matilda's chest. "Can I ask you a favor?" He asked. "No!" She blurted out. Matilda! You can't change anything major! Louis cried. I don't care! I'm not going through this! Ray stared down at her with a frustrated look. "You didn't even hear it." Matilda quivered. A sharp pain stabbed right through her, and she gasped. It felt like a period cramp, but she wasn't on her period. What is this???? It's your consequence! I'm sorry Tilly, I don't control this stuff! Matilda flinched as Ray touched her back, rubbing it slowly as it traced down, stopping as it got to her ass. It would be comforting.. if Matilda couldn't feel his eyes burning through her. "Fine.. I'll do it." She managed through clenched teeth. Ray brightened. 

Avis approached Ray again, holding a fat wad of cash. Ray shook his head, and wrapped an arm around Matilda, trapping her. She watched as Avis's color drained. "You bitch!" She hissed, about to slap her when Ray suddenly pulled Matilda in and kissed her. Her eyes widened. This didn't happen last time! This is what happens when you try and avoid what happens! It gets worse!! I'm sorry Tilly! Avis. Was. PISSED. "I hate you Matilda! You're a whore!" She cried, running off. Oh God.. 

Ray thinks he's High and Mighty

Biology was hell. Now that they were "dating", Ray would touch her leg when he thought she was distracted. Matilda now had to find the smallest reasons to leave. She had to sharpen her pencil for the fifth time, had to use the bathroom a second time, and now had to go turn in her paper a sixth time. Ray was pissed, but just acted like he didn't care. The bell rang. 

Avis Is A F-- Oh this is a PG-13 Class. 

Matilda walked into class, eager to work on her painting. Mrs. Decosta was eager too. "I got all the paint together for you!" She purred. "I'm so excited Tilly!" Matilda smiled. "I am too." She got to work immediately, painting little stars and a moon. Her goal was abstract but straight forward. Matilda backed away from her painting and looked at it as a whole. Avis met her eyes, and she mouthed; "I'll kill you". Matilda shrugged. 

Mr. Decosta came in again, and nervously brought in cheese and crackers. A nice change. Mrs. Decosta seemed pleased by it, and kissed his cheek. Matilda knew she appreciated the change. She raised her hand, about to be called on when something cold splattered all over her, and her painting. "Avis!" Mrs. Decosta quickly scolded. Matilda looked down. White paint all all over her nice sweater. Tears bubbled in her eyes. "My mom made this for me!" She cried. Avis snickered. "Should of thought of that before you kissed my boyfriend!" She hissed. Matilda looked at her painting. It was ruined. No it's not Matilda! You can save it! It's ruined Louis! 

Mr. Decosta ran over to comfort Matilda as she cried, and kids whispered silently. Mrs. Decosta was bringing Avis to the office, and getting a change of clothes for Matilda. Kids were taking sides, #TeamMatilda or #TeamAvis. "Matilda, it'll be okay." Mr. Decosta tried to promise. Matilda sniffled, as some kids brought her tissues. 

Mrs. Decosta came back with another sweater, some sweat pants, and old sneakers. "I always keep a change of clothes in my car.. You don't have to give them back." She murmured sweetly. "You can change in my office." Matilda shuffled into there, tears streaming down her face. 

She put her paint stained clothes in a Shoprite plastic bag, and slipped in her new ones. Her hair had to be washed. Mrs. Decosta helped Matilda wash it in the sink, while she told funny stories. "Last year, I had a kid eat a staple. We sent him to the nurses office, and counselors asked if he did any drugs. It was pretty funny." Matilda managed to laugh, sniffling still. With her hair in a towel, her stained clothes in hand, and her red eyes, Matilda was ready to go to fifth period. 

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