Chapter XXIV

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I snap easily back into 'myself' after such a great day. Maybe that was my peak; the top most awesome point in my life. That's kind of sad... if so, then that means I can only go down from here. Whatever, as long as I can have my way with Vic every once in a while, I think that'll do me just fine.

"Mr. Bostwick?" My teachers asks, snapping me back into whatever hell they're talking about in class.

"Quinn." I correct, I absolutely hate the name Bostwick.

"Sorry, what were the five reasons for World War I, Mr. Quinn." She repeats.

"Uhh...." I stumble, I usually sleep through this class, so my mind draws a complete blank.

"Militarism, Alliances, Nationalism, Assassinations and Imperialism." A high pitched voice says. I find the owner and realize it's that girl who's always staring at me. What's her problem? Does she like me or something? Oh. My. God. She totally likes me! Little does she know, I like it up the ass.

"Thank you, Ms. Lahmann." The teacher addresses. The brunette smiles at her and then moves her gaze to me, instantly
looking away as our eyes meet. {A/N it's Katelynne fyi} A giant fake smirk plastered on my face. Holy fuck, she is so into me. Well I hope she's not too offended when I totally lead her on and then smash it in her face. Not that I care about her feelings anyway.

I put my plan into motion immediately at the end of that class. Honestly, I don't know how I didn't realize earlier, she made it so unbelievably obvious.

"Hey." I say. "I'm Kellin."

"I know." She says blushing, "Katelynne."

"Well hello there Katelynne." I say in a low, if I say so myself, sexy voice. She blushes a deep shade of red and moves her glance to the hallway ahead of us. I feel a smile pulling at me and look over to see her smiling widely. Oh wow, she really does like me. She will be crushed when I finally push her away. Maybe I'm being mean. Yeah this is such a dick move. I'm a dick, but not this big of a dick.

I sigh and walk off, without another word, into my bio class. I can't help my eyes from immediately finding Vic. He looks so hot today in his blue cardigan thingy and a black undershirt. I made the mistake today of walking by Andy's desk. He hasn't bothered to show up more than three times this whole year so I get used to my route.

"Kellin." He orders.

"Andy." I reply, mimicking his tone.

"Fix your attitude." He spits.

"Yes mum." I say rolling my eyes.

"Now give me my shit back."

"I don't recall picking up one of your turds." I sass, so done with his shitty attitude I go to walk away, but his last comment made me go from zero to a hundred real quick. {A/N yes, yes I did just quote that song}

"Fucking fag."

Chills roll their way down my back and I stop abruptly, making my shoes squeak. "What did you just call me?" I ask, narrowing my eyes at his disgusting face.

"Fag." He repeats.

"That's what I thought you said." I mumble, feeling the heat of anger make it's way up my body.

"So." He says. "I'm not scared of a faggot."

"Oooohh you're gonna regret saying that." I taunt. Taking a slow step towards him. I felt the heat hit my face causing me to not think through anything. I raise my fist ready to bash his smug ass face in. Although someone quickly grabs my arms, pulling me back. I start kicking at them. I just wanna wipe that stupid smile off his face.

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