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Exek's diplomatic helicopter landed back at AAF Camp Molvar, which as swelled even further in size since Nasaug had last seen it. His part in the diplomacy area of the coalition was essentially done, allowing him to return to the equally pressing task of the military response to the Vord. Upon landing, he was instructed to return to the command building, wherein he would find Commander Landager and be brought up to speed on whatever recent developments had happened.

The command building had evolved from a small metal shack into a full, proper, two story building overlooking much of the camp. It appeared that, since the AAF buildings were highly modular, they could be stacked, expanded, and rearranged as needed. In this case, many smaller structures had been assembled together to create a single large one. After a brief word from the receptionist immediately inside the command post for Landager's location, Nasaug made his way up a set of metal stairs to a sort of control room. Inside were dozens of screens and communications equipment, making the room seem similar to the bridge of the Indomitable WIll. Many officers, several generals, and a few admirals were present, which Nasaug took notice of. It meant that this was a very topheavy command post and, if he had learned anything from the AAF, meant that this wasn't a room for local operations. Rather, this was where the battle for Canea would be coordinated.

"Welcome back, Warmaster Nasaug." Commander Landager greeted. "And also, well done. Your efforts have secured Maraul as a coalition member."

"And what of Narash?" Nasaug asked.

"There was a mild confrontation, but Narash has joined as well." Landager answered.

"And the Vord?" Nasaug continued.

"That is where the trouble is." Landgaer replied, pointing to a monitor. Outlined in blue was a thick concentration of AAF soldiers against the Shuaran wall, with another significant number slowly advancing outside. "Our stand on the Shuaran wall prevented the Vord from entering the safe zone, and inflicted outstanding casualties as well. Then, their assault stopped, allowing us to try to advance and gain more ground. They made an effort to stop our counterattack, but only once. Now, they appear to have withdrawn."

"But to where?" Nasaug wondered.

"That is the question." Landgaer agreed.

"I find it likely they would have retreated into Maraul's swamps or Narash's forest." Nasaug speculated. "They trees are dense, and would provide good cover from air attack."

"I agree, however, there is a problem." Landager said. "We would have detected such a massive movement of troops out of Shuar. It is very open, although rocky. There would be nowhere to hide, and would have been slowed by the terrain, even if only slightly. If this were the case, they would still be in the open as we speak."

"But they're not." Nasaug surmised. "Which means that their assault just ran dry."

"And the source of their warriors is still out there, undetected." Landager completed the thought. "Which is where I agree that their likely location is either in Maraul or Narash, concealed safely away from detection."s

"That is a large area to search." Nasaug groaned.

"There is more." Landager said. "While on their way into Narash, the convoy carrying Captain Tavar and Varg was ambushed by the Vord at Marshag bridge, located here." He pointed to a location on the map. "I trust you are familiar with the area?"

"Of course." Nasaug replied. "I have crossed it many times."

"While they were inspecting the crossing, two Narashan warriors attacked Colonel Mach and Captain Salazar's team without warning." Landager briefed. "While the two were being detained, approximately two thousand Vord warriors cut off the entrance to the bridge and surrounded the convoy. The ambush was held back by a combined effort of AAF soldiers and Narashan warriors, and was repulsed by air support without major coalition casualties. Captain Tavar, upon inspecting the two Narashan warriors, claimed that they were 'taken' by the Vord. Mind controlled, in a way." Landager revealed. "The two are still being examined."

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