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    After a brief rest period at Camp Molvar, time enough for only for a quick meal, Nasaug found himself sitting in a conference room for a meeting where he, once again, was only a pawn. He did his best to pretend to be interested as Landager and Varg developed their strategy for securing the coalition. While Nasaug was somewhat lost in his own thoughts, he did keep tabs on the conversation happening around him, in case his input was miraculously asked for. Even that damned Tavi - or Tavar; whatever his name was- provided thoughts on the discussion. 
    Landager was wanting to push a plan of two separate strategies for each range, as applicable. A more cordially, diplomatic once where they would be present the facts, guarantee protection, and, of course, try to develop good relationships, which Exek expressed favor for considerably. That idea was that more open ranges, like Kadan and Rengal, would be conscious of their relative vulnerability to massed attack from within.
    The second strategy was a more aggressive one, with the more entrenched ranges like Igrat in mind, where the Caniim were more likely to be complacent with the defenses. Should the more formal means fail, Landager wanted to stress the notion that 'War is not won with defenses, only prolonged.' The general idea was to demonstrate the Canim's true vulnerability by showing how their defenses may be compromised, either by sidestepping them or by breaching them head-on. 
    Of course, then there came the question of 'What next?' The high and mighty began developing plans involving each range's great armies and where their best application would be, a topic that Nasaug -  and admittedly Varg, too- had direct experience with. But was Nasaug asked about how the Maraul did on the battlefield, and which Rengal Warmaster would best take the fight to the Vord? Of course not. Varg, apparently, spoke for them both. A move that he was expected to respect from his senior, and sire.
    Nasaug could do nothing but watch and listen, which had become annoyingly routine as of late. Something he had grown tired of and had contempt for. In a bout of instant self-reflection, Nasaug realized that it wasn't his silence and subordination in the face of Varg, or even Landager and the AAF. It was the fact that he was second to the damned Alerans. Even on the battlefield they hadn't been equals, and now this heir in hiding - whom Nasaug and nearly exterminated outright!- had an open invitation to discuss important happenings on Landager and Varg's level.
    He realised that he wasn't bored. He was insulted. The more the meeting dragged on, the more his contempt for his counterpart grew.
    "Alright then, that is settled." Landager announced. "The last thing we should discuss is the order of battle. From our latest recon information, it appears that the Vord is using Maraul's swamps as a sort of larval hive to grow it warriors. It is from that area that the Vord moved to attack Shuar, Narash, and of course, Maraul itself. I have already spoken to my generals and admirals, and they all agree on the point that we are not fighting a war of attrition here. No matter how many Vord we kill, they will always be able to replace those numbers in rather short time. We must deny the Vord expansion, and then strategically clear the land it occupies." Landager explained. "As we speak, the Vord is moving South, through Narash, in preparation to assault Kadan and Rengal, on a course that drives them into the sea. Why?" Landager asked.
    "Textbook divide and conquer." Tavi answered instantly.
    "Exactly." Landager confirmed, Nasaug rolled his eyes. "To the North, we have greatly defended Shuar, already partially encircled by the Vord. To the Southwest, we have greatly defended Irgat. They are cutting the continent in half diagonally, leaving the two most defended areas for last, too isolated to help each other. Should they get to that point, they have all the time in the world to grind down those two ranges."
    "So, we need to split up to get this done as fast as possible." Exek continued. "Varg, your connections in Narash should make it simple to get their support. I ask that you take Tavar here so that he can see how he should act as a diplomat in Canea. What do you think?"
    "Very well." Varg said simply.
    "Fantastic." Exek responded. "Now, aside from Narash, Maraul is a high priority area as well. Nasaug, do you have any influence there?"
    Nasaug blinked as he name was spoken for the first time in the meeting. "I've... fought them a few times. I know several of their Battle and Warmasters"
    "Great. Anything positive?" Exek asked sarcastically.
    "We Canim value an enemy as much as a friend." Varg replied for Nasaug. "After all, an enemy will always treat you as such, but a friend may yet betray you."
    "You guys must love Task then!" Exek joked.
    "Whether he is an enemy or not, I have yet to tell." Varg admitted.
    "Oh, come on!" Exek exclaimed. "We kick your ass in Alera, and we aren't you enemy. We help you from certain annihilation at the hands of the Vord, we aren't your friend. Are you too proud to admit defeat? Or perhaps you just don't care?"
    "What I mean is that we still do not understand your motives." Varg clarified.
    "I do not think I could make our purpose here any clearer." Landager stated.
    "Listen, we have given you, and will give the other ranges, the simple choice of fight or be fought." Exek explained. "Whatever choice is made, the outcome will be the same: The Vord will be destroyed. What will change is how well we will like you once it's all said and done. That much is up to you."
    "And what should I care how much you like us?" Varg asked belligerently.
    Exek signed at the comment, and turned to Landager. "See Task? This is hopeless. The guys on our side don't even want to be on our side! I'd rather go back to Earth than deal with this nonsense."
    "It isn't nearly that bad." Landager chided.
    "Sure it is! See, you can just show up, dish out a few punches, and everyone gets along." Exek exasperated. "I come in, say 'Hey let's work together now,' and everyone tells me to fuck off!"
    "These people are warriors, not politicians." Landager explained. "They have swords and armor. You have a three piece suit."
    "And what could possibly do better? I hardly think that 'Space Explorer' Exek would do much better." Exek reasoned.
    "I would rather you wear this." Landager said, gesturing to his unique armor. Exek was taken aback at that suggestion.
    "Is that appropriate?" He asked. "I thought those were reserved for a Knight of Atsalis."
    "Which is what I am, and, by extension, you as well, due to your training in that regard." Landager explained.
    "That counts?" Exek was surprised.
    "Of course." Landager replied. "After all, I get to make the rules. I ordered your suit to be brought down from the starship Eclipse once I saw you we wearing a tuxedo."
    "You had a Knight suit made for me?" Exek was shocked.
    "Of course not." Landager denied. "I made it, and I think it would greatly assist our cause for you to wear it."
    "In the official capacity of a Atsalis Knight?" Exek clarified.
    "This campaign very much is." Landager agreed. "Anyway, Nasaug, do you think that your previous interactions with the Maraul would be enough to at least grant you audience with them?"
    "I certainly think it should." Nasaug answered. "At least with a few of the Warmasters. Getting to Ferarl, their Pack Leader, may not be as easy, however."
    "Any particular reason why?" Landager asked.
    "He is an ancient creature, and a ritualist at that." Nasaug explained. "He may not wish to hear us out simply because I am a Warrior. Tensions between the two sects had been running feverishly high as of late, you see."
    "Still, we must try." Exek decreed.
    "Would you be willing to travel to Maraul and meet Ferarl with Chief Ambassador Exek on behalf of the coalition?"
    "Of course." Nasaug replied, trying to sound more helpful than Varg. "When will we start?"
    "Right now." Landager answered, standing from his chair.

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