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It was the best interrogation Tavi had ever seen. It meant even more that it was the interrogation of a Canim Battlemaster, who were renowned for the integrity. When Landager asked a question, Nasaug answered with no inhibition. They learned a great deal, Canim troop counts, what they estimated of the Alerans, even personal opinions of the Battlemaster straight from his mouth. But some of the questions Landager thought to ask were downright shocking.

"Do you have high respect from your troops?" Commander Landager asked Nasaug.


"Do your troops have any reason to doubt your ability to lead?"


"Do you hide anything they find dishonorable?"


Landager turned to Tavi and Max. "This is what we are looking for. Anything that can fragment their chain of command remotely." He turned back toward Nasaug.

"What would they find dishonorable?"

"I find our casualty rate unacceptable." Not much luck there.

"What else?"

"I find this invasion foolish."

"Interesting. Next."

"I feel guilty about civilian deaths I have caused."

Landager addressed Tavi again, "They typically got least to worst, as it is easier for them to give up." He asked Nasaug, "What else?"

"I despise Sarl."


"I..." Nasaug trailed off, then went silent.

"Sometimes, they resist, too. Especially when they don't want to give it up." He stood and approached Nasaug, standing in front of him. He then commanded Nasaug "Look at me, Cane." He complied "Answer my last question."

'"I have hnnng...."Nasaug resisted valiantly.

"Answer me." Landager tried again.

"I have..." Nasaug shut down again. Landager tried a couple more times, to no use. He sat back down, and the Cane looked back down to the ground.

"So, whatever it is, he won't tell us?" Max asked.

"Thats right. He finds this so shameful, he can resist the inhibition-breaking chemicals LANTIRN introduced."

"So how can we get him to tell us?" Tavi wondered.

"I know how the Canim think. There are few things that they find more dishonorable than disrespecting superiors. That narrows it down to very few possibilities. If we guess, he may reveal it."

Tavi went first. "Have you ever deserted?"


"Have you murdered your own?" Max guessed.


"I know now." Landager claimed. "You are have homosexual desires." Max and Tavi gawked at the idea, but Nasaug said nothing.

"There is no way!" Tavi exclaimed, but Max countered,

"Why didn't he deny it, then?"

"Sometimes," Landager said as he picked up his chair, "it take a bit more finesse to get them to reveal their secrets" he set it down next to Nasaug. He reached over to the Cane's face, and gently pulled its muzzle so that he looked at the Commander. He then leaned forward and spoke softly into Nasaug's ear, inaudible to the two legionnaires. They both saw something the never expected to see. Canim tears began to form in Nasaug 's eyes, and a soft whimper left the Cane's mouth. Landager then leaned back, then finally asked.

"Do you lust after males?"

"Yes." Nasaug choked as he began to ball. Tavi and Max were visibly shocked. Here was their enemy, a proud, respected warrior, confessing to his deepest secret to their very faces. In any other circumstance, this audience would not even happen. This Cane would consider them unworthy to even speak to, but now here he was, face in his paws, sobbing.

"The emotion will break his tranced state." Landager spoke factually. "He will return to himself now." Tavi tensed, But the Cane did not viciously attack as he suddenly feared. He just sat, and sobbed. Landager put an arm around his large shoulders, and comforted Nasaug. After a minute, he had calmed down enough to look up and see his company. He was stunned to find his enemy, Tavi, sitting in front of him, seeming relaxed in his chair. He felt the arm on his back, and looked to his left to see Commander Landager comforting him with understanding eyes. It was a long few moments before he spoke slowly.

"What did you do to me?"

"I just asked you a few questions, and you answered them." Landager answered. Nasaug dropped his head again, trying to think clearly.

"How many of my warriors did you kill tonight?"

"None. Your men fled after I took you." Landager spoke softly.

"And what now? You will kill me?"

Max spoke under his breath. "Yes."

"No." Landager stated. "You will be released."

"What!" Max shouted. "We can't let him live to fight us later!"

"I have to agree with Max, Commander." Tavi chimed in. "This is a mistake."

"He is asset to me now. And as I said," He stood, and started pulling Nasaug to his feet. Max and Tavi stood the same. "You will not take what is mine." Nasaug tried to pull away, but his induced fatigue prevented any meaningful resistance. "Come now, I will not harm you. I will escort you to your camp and your warriors. You are what hold them together, you know. They need you." Nasaug gave up, too tired to fight any longer. Landager looked back to Tavi, and reminded him, "My armies will arrive at first light. They will reinforce your position. I have instructed them to respect your soldiers, but do not get in their way, and do not advance without my direction. That is all." And with that, he walked out the tent flap, into the dark, cool morning.

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