your titles don't define you

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     Throught out his entire existence he would always be labeled, some called him a 'killer' others ' a freak' and despite calling himself an angel it always came back to 'God of Death' nothing more nothing less. And that was his entire existence. With everyone around him, except for his own brother and friend of course, fearing him. Finding something to nit-pick, something to point out. Any flaw or misguided action. While most gods or goddesses got offerings or praises, he was always left to swaddle in their shadows. Doing her dirty work, following his orders, going to meetings that never made sense because not a single soul tells him anything. And it would be that way. Wake up, if he slept at all, Reap, Clean the messes made, occasionally attend meetings, visit some people, Reap some more, then maybe find room for a nap or at least a good 3 hours of sleep.

   Mortals hated him. Resented him. Questioned his every being. Admittedly, so did he. He was so alone. So afraid. So tired. Anyone who was anyone would run if fear of him, except. One day something changed. A break in this old routine he found himself to be created in. A singular, out of place, mortal- no being. A thing the God of Death had never seen before. Never before fathomed. A being that was not afraid of him. A being with no fear of Death, brave enough to even aproch the god.

   Down on his luck, the God had always managed to hurt himself on the job. Being a god meant he could just heal it later but, this mortal was kind enough to just help him. When asked why, he was met with a shrug. "You looked like you needed it." The god was confused. Why in the heavens above would a mortal help him. So again he asked, and a diffrent answer he received "I'm just a monster who enjoys helping others, a'int nothing more than that".

  The god couldn't help but feel a yearn to be with this being. And soon he learned its name. The being called itself Geno . intesringly ebough, the Geno had no idea why the god was so perplexed by his kindness. And he was further more clueless why the god kept calling him 'the Geno' but said nothing more than it being some wired thing that made the god comfortable.

  For the first time. Death had been asked if he was ok. Genuinely. By someone other than Grillby or Papyrus. And he couldn't seem to lie his way out of Geno's reach. Death came to learn that Geno was incredibly persuasive. Creepily persuasive. Like it was a second nature now.

  Now later down the line of this new cycle the God understood.

   "But why aren't you afraid of me? I'm the god of Death?" "ok. But who are you really?" "I just said I was the God of Death" "But who is that?" "Me-" and now he understood. What was once a confusing question, now became more clear "Is it?" The god hesitated. He's learned that being around Geno has lead to the others noticeable quirks. Like Geno's eerie observations that the god couldn't even imagine. "N- no. It's not" "then who are you?" "I am the god of Death. But I'm not- I'm not a killer- I'm tired. Tired of this burden, tired of lying to people. I'm always exhausted. Always ignored. Pushed aside. I want to be so much more, but I hold myself back. I'm bound to my title. Unwillingly. Now you have your answer what was it all for??" silence before "Nothing. Just thought you should hear your voice for once. You aren't defined to your title. I was just trying to get that out if you" Geno leaned back casually, a large text book in his hands. "Is that what your psychology course is teaching you?" a chuckle "nah, it's just something I've picked up form some good people. Now get over here, you look tired and you need your daily dose of affection form your boyfriend"

The god smiled. No. Death smiled. He finally found a title he liked.

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