things you never forget

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Goth looked back into the back seat of the car, "are you sure you want to go to the mall? I can turn back" Lotus looked up from his lap and shook his head. "No it's ok... Besides shouldn't you guys be like, encouraging this or something? You all seemed to like the idea of me going on walks around the block with you" Lotus meets Goth's eyes in the rear view. "Heh, yea, but this is bigger than just walking around at night, where there isn't many people and monsters. This is going to the mall, on a Saturday, where there are tons of people and monsters. So I just want to know if your comfortable with that." The sound of crowded places makes Lotus visually tense. And he rethinks his option on coming. "It shouldn't be that bad!" Palette chimes in from the passenger seat. "There's like a festival or fair going on, I'm sure more people are at that than the mall." Goth looks back at his partner about to say something but doesn't, instead he focuses again on the road. "I'm just checking to make sure that he'll be ok." Goth mumbles. Before the car goes silent.

   With the sound of the radio playing. Lotus looks out the window, watching the other cars that pass by. He intches at the scar peaking under his eye patch, and looks back through the windshield. For the most part, this car ride was pretty awkward, and he wish he had his little phone. While it wasn't in the best shape, or the latest model of any kind. He still liked his little flip- phone. It was nice. But he wanted to leave it behind, he needed to. Temptations are strong and he knows this fact well. They pull into the parking lot of the mall, and it's already pretty packed. Which sparks a debate in his mind again, no. They were already here, there'd be no point in going home.

     They get out of the car and make their way into the mall, it's not crowded by the doors, but there is a clutter around the halls, roaming around stores and stuffs. Goth and Palette are already walking around joking at the very girly stores, but Lotus can't help but be uncomfortable by them. The female clothing, both in normal and sleepwear, in display made him a little unsettled, with past memories creeping in. He takes a deep breath. He was here to enjoy today right? Right. He caught up with the two quickly, but their still engrossed within a conversion about which store they should check out. Lotus just walked behind them, feeling a little left out, but that was ok. This was supposed to be their date anyway, Goth just kinda invited him... He thinks it probably wasn't willing. The thought alone brings him down again. They didn't really want him here did they? Probably not... He walked off on his own. Tensing at the crowds and dodgging anyone not really paying attention.

     He plays this game till he reaches the back of the mall, he sits in a corner, and just curls in on himself. If this was Underfell, he'd definitely be picked on, or taken advantage of because of how vulnerable he may look. He uncurls at the idea, and tries to think of something else. He looks down at his shoelaces and begins fiddling with them, not to untie them or anything just to distract himself. He hears foot steps,a group, from what it sounds like. Lotus looks up to see a group of human boys, laughing with one another. He shys away, trying not to pay any attention. The group of boys look at him, whispering something to one another and laughing. Lotus glares at them, only reciving more laughter. The boys turned around, eyeing Lotus as they walked away. Lotus hadn't noticed, but he was gripping his sleeves tightly and a tear rolled down his cheek.

     He wipes it away, turning away from the crowd. Stupid. Weak. Pathetic. He didn't want to agree with the little nagging voice in the back of his skull, but what could he say or do? It was stupid, he's probably got the other two scared out of their wits... There's a pause, 'm not that important... They probably don't care... Hell their probably relieved that 'm not with them... Who'd blame 'em.. He thinks to himself. Maybe... Maybe he should just go back to the car and wait. Yea that sounded like a good idea. He gets up and throws on his hood, only looking up occasionally, he makes his way back to the entrance of the mall. He's almost there when a hand reaches out for his shoulder, he tenses and whips around, looking at another monster, a bird monster with white feathers and a brown and orange beak. "Don't touch me" he spits, "I'm sorry... You just looked a little upset. I was wondering if maybe you wanted to hang out with me and my friends since you looked so alone..." Lotus stares at, what he assumes is a her, and shakes his head, "I was just leaving" he growls before turning back and heading to the entrance.

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