10 Unconscious

793 23 1

Word Count: 2,040

The rockslide had come without warning. A mass of boulders and rocks coming down over their heads, and Hunk only had a moment's notice to yell in surprise and run before it all came crashing down, Keith several feet behind him, breaths coming out in startled pants through their still-open comms as it all came tumbling down on top of them in a flash of sound, rocks, and hurt.

His vision went black.


Hunk came too slowly, his bed lumpy, pillow hard.

Why did his mattress feel like rocks?

He cracked one eye open, both of them widening in surprise a moment later to find he was in fact, not in the Castle of Lions like he had originally thought.

Instead, it looked like he was buried.

Buried under rocks.

There were so many rocks covering the visor of his helmet, it was disorienting.

Why was he here again?

In a sudden wave, everything came crashing back into focus: the distress call, the panicked locals, the unpredictably dangerous mountain, the rockslide.

The leader that had been running several feet behind him when it all came down on top of them.


Where was Keith?

Thankfully (thank you God so much) Hunk had managed to distant himself far enough away from the collapse of rubble to sit up with hardly any trouble, the thin layer of deep lilac pebbles and rocks crumbling away around him as he caught sight of the muddy brown sky above him. The planet's equivalent for clouds (he was still trying to understand why the clouds were blue of all colors (Lance would've liked the color if he'd come with them)) floating lazily above him-


The name threw him back to the task at hand, and Hunk quickly got to his feet, his armor littered with dents and cracks, but he was thankfully alright.

Keith might be a different story.

Keith! His brain screamed again, Where is Keith?!

Although it might be a long shot, Hunk was quick to switch back on his comm and attempt it anyway, "Keith? Keith, man, you there?" He shut his mouth, ears straining for an answer.

There wasn't one.



Hunk's panic skyrocketed.

"Oh my gosh, Keith you better not be dead," he mumbled, mostly to himself as he turned around to survey the extent of the rockslide, brown eyes widening as he caught sight of it all.


Oh no.

It was bad.

Very, very bad.

There was just so much.

Hunk had been lucky enough to make it to the outskirts of the collapse before it came down, only within the very edge of the slide, but Keith- Keith had been so far behind him, he'd most likely gotten buried so far into the rubble he couldn't get out.

Or he was unconscious.

Because Hunk was just now realizing, the teen had actually had his helmet off, when the rockslide had come down without warning.

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