30 Recovery

519 14 0

Word Count: 1,383

He came to slowly, blinking sluggishly as lights met his eyes, bright, too bright.

He closed his eyelids again, squeezing them shut, the light burning into his retinas, making him wince.

Why was there light?

Had it been there this whole time?

It was so bright.

The beeping caught his attention next.

Short, spaced pulses of sound, droning in his ears as the seconds ticked on, the sound echoing through the room, drilling into his consciousness with every pulse, the thing seeming to beep in time with every thump of his heart-

Wait a minute.

It- it was a heart monitor.

The light was dimmer this time (or did his eyes just adjust?) as Keith peeled his eyes back open, his eyelids feeling like they were being pulled down by heavy weights and he forced himself to focus, squinting as he took in his surroundings.

It looked like- a hospital.

Why would he be in a hospital?

He moved to sit up, bracing his hands against the mattress-

Pain ignited across his chest and he gasped, or- at least tried to.

There was something over his mouth, something keeping him from speaking. His cheeks stung, fabric brushing against his skin.


"Keith. Keith? Come on, bud, just- just lay back down for me, please."

"Shi-" he coughed, the thing over his mouth only shooting the name back down his throat making him cough.

His chest stung.

He gasped.

The skin on his arms burned.

His cheeks brushed over something

Were there- bandages over his-?

With tentative fingers, he brought an arm up, skin brushing against fabric- no- not fabric, bandages.


There was the sound of a door closing, an inhale of breath, "Keith? Keith, are you awake?"

Krolia, but- she was with Kolivan, trying to reform the Blades-

How was she here?

What happened?

The heart monitor beeped.

"Keith, can you lay back down for me?"

He swallowed, more bandages brushing against his throat, his heart jumping, realizing that there were bandages everywhere, on his legs, his back, his chest-

His face.

The monitor beeped faster.

His skin stung with every move.

Fabric brushed against his arms as he somehow managed to fall back on to the pillow.

His skin stung.

What happened?

Why was he in a hospital?

Why was he here?

Someone grasped his hand, and Keith looked, shifting his head (his skin stung) meeting the eyes of Shiro, and he looked-

He looked scared.

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