28 Beaten

444 13 0

Word Count: 1,354


Fists clenched.


Muscles jerked.


He- he could do this.

The whip came down again, tearing into his back, more drops of blood dotting the ground at his feet and Keith just barely held back his scream, nearly biting off his tongue to keep the noise locked inside.

He could do this.

He- he had to.

Because he wasn't about to die just because of a little whipping


But maybe he was getting a bit ahead of himself here, that's what he's always doing, isn't it?

He'd explain himself eventually anyway.


What else could he do?


He'd been caught. And not the good kind of caught either (if there even was a thing).


A strangled sob escaped his lips, and the Galra behind him cackled at the added motivation, the strikes coming faster after that and pale fists clenched, nails digging red crescents into his palms as he fought to stay silent, biting his lip, blood on his tongue, dribbling down his chin as his teeth sunk into his lip.

Don't scream.


Don't yell.


Don't give them the satisfaction.


Just stay silent, they'll get bored of you if you just stay quiet-


He groaned.



Where was he?


Oh. Yeah.

It was supposed to be an easy mission, he- he knew he said that a lot, but what else could he possibly say besides it was supposed to be easy?

It wasn't supposed to be hard.

It was supposed to be easy, and Keith had been glad it was because today was one of those days where he just barely tolerated the sound of someone breathing, much less someone actually cramming into the red lion with him to go on a mission.

He often wondered if other people had that problem, someone else's noises setting them on edge for the rest of the day, unable to stand it to the point of fingers itching to wrap around their neck-

Probably not.


He was always the weird kid.


So stupid of him to think that.


But the mission- it was supposed to be easy.

Only one person had to go, and he was grateful.

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