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Midoriya Izuku: 

You were tired of him lying to you. Every time you asked him how he got his quirk, he would lie to you and say it manifested late. But you knew. It was your schools duty to keep up with the top hero's and all that. 
"Izuku..." you trailed off, wanting to ask him again where he got his quirk.
"Where did you get your quirk?" You ask and he freezes up a bit... again. 
"I already told you, it just manifested late." He tells you.
You sigh rubbing your forehead. 
"Why don't you tell me the truth," you say and he looks at you with wide eyes, "don't you trust me?"
"W-what are you talking about?" He stutters and you roll your eyes. 
"I'll be at home, when you decide to tell me the truth." You say, starting to get up but he speaks up. 
"Wait... how are you going to be mad at me about not telling you about my quirk, w-when you don't even tell me about half your life." He says and you raise an eyebrow. 
"Because I actually can NOT tell you about, while you CAN tell me how you got your quirk. We've known each other for most of our life and yet you can't tell me how you got your quirk. So as I said before, I'll be home." You said angrily before storming out of his room. 

Bakugou Katsuki: 

You and Katsuki had always gotten into petty fights, but this one was bad. You don't even know what it was about. 
"HOW CAN YOU BE SO STUPID?!" You yelled at Katsuki. 
"End it? Did you just to tell me to kill myself?" You ask with tears filling your eyes. 
"It'll do us a favor." He sneers at you before turning around to leave you alone with your own thoughts and tears. 

Todoroki Shouto: 

You looked up from your textbook to see that Shouto was glaring at the space ahead. 
"Hey, what's wrong?" You ask, but he doesn't respond. 
You sigh, standing up and walking over to him. 
"My love, what's the matter?" You ask, putting a hand on his shoulder. 
He just huffs and shrugs your hand off causing you to frown a bit. 
"You know you can talk to me, right?" 
"Just shut up." He mutters and you raise an eyebrow at him. 
Before you even got to say something else he abruptly stood up. 
"Just shut up for once! You're always bothering me, and it's getting annoying." He yells at you and you backed up in shock. 
"Get out... get out of my house." You say and his eyes widen. 
"I said, get out." You say, with tears in your eyes now as you opened the for him. 
"Fine." He sternly says before walking out of your room. 

Kirishima Eijiro: 

You've noticed that Eijiro has been distancing himself from you lately. You just haven't been seeing him as much as you used to. You didn't think much of it because you were in a different class than him, so it was natural that the two of you had different schedules. 
But then you started thinking differently when you saw him hanging around Mina. His classmate. You tried to push off your jealousy because they were classmates and she was in their little circle of friends. 
But you couldn't help it when you saw them leaning in too close to each other or even hugging each other.
"Kirishima." You grab his attention and he immediately knew he was in trouble because you would only call him by his last name if you were upset with him. 
"Yes (L/N)?"
"What are you doing later tonight?" You asks and he looks at you wondering if this question was a trap. 
"Hanging out with Bakugou and the rest of the squad."
"Like Ashido, right?" You ask crossing his arms. 
He slowly nods his head, not understanding where you were going at with this. 
"Cool. I'm just going to leave now." You harshly say and start to leave the room. 
You made sure to harshly bump into his shoulder before leaving. 
Kirishima stood there in shocked when you left the room. It left him questioning, 'was that an argument?'

Tamaki Amajiki:

Neither of you get into fights, it's simple. He was too sweet and shy to start an argument with you. He knew what do to and what not to do, to upset you. You couldn't hurt his feelings either, so you two never had arguments or petty fights. 

Hitoshi Shinso: 

"Hey Shinso, I just bought us these tickets to the movie tonight." You excitedly say as you ran up to him. 
The boy sighs pinching the bridge of his nose. 
"Why would you go do that?" He asks and the smile is wiped off your face. 
"W-what do you mean? We planned this date a couple weeks ago."
Shinso just sighed and shook his head, "look I already made plans with my friends."
You frowned, ever since Shinso has been moved up to the hero class with Midoriya and them, he's been busy. 
"Right, well here. You can take these to your new friends and take them instead." You harshly say shoving the tickets into his chest. 
"Hey, just because you don't have any friends doesn't mean you have to hang with me every second of your life." He snaps and you huff at him before slapping him. 
The sound of your hand his hitting his face echoed around the quite room. 
"Fuck. You." You spat out before walking away from him. 

Aizawa Shouta:

You sighed as your perfectly manicured nails against the table. You were dressed up for your anniversary. And Shouta was late... an hour late. Lately this has been a common thing, but today it made you more pissed. You calmly stood up and started your walk towards Shouta's place. You were hoping that he would at least have a decent excuse to not showing up to the anniversary date. 
You knocked on his door and a couple seconds later you heard some shuffling and a groan. 
His door swung open and you were faced to face with a tired Aizawa. His hair looked like a rat nest, his eye-bags were so prominent and he just looked like he went through a train wreck. Usually you would of been worried, but you were mad at him. 
"Hey, what are you doing here? And why are you so dressed up..." He trails off as he looks at you.
Suddenly realization hits him, "(y/n)... I'm so-"
"What? You're sorry. You literally say that every single time you 'forget' one of the dates, but it's all the dates. Am I not important enough to remember our anniversary." You rant and the look on his face gets even more fallen when you say anniversary. 
The look he made didn't go unnoticed by you. 
"God, why do I even try." You sigh as you shake your head. 
He didn't even know what to say.
You were so upset you didn't even know what to do, but before you could stop some hurtful words left your lips. 
"You know what, don't even worry about it anymore. Don't talk to me ever again." You snapped, before walking away. 


"Hey (y/n), when are you going to join the League of Villains?" You heard Dabi asks you. 
"Uh no... for like the thousandth time.." You trail off as you realize that he asks you this, like everyday. 
"You know, I notice that you literally ask me this everyday."
"Mhm," He hums in response.
You suck on your teeth for a second before you spoke up again, "are you only dating me so I can join the League of Villains?" You ask and he turns to you.
"Why would you think that?"
"Well if you really think about, you ask every day and since we're together, you think that I'll have a soft spot for you and say that I will. But as I said a thousand times, no!"
Dabi scoffs at you, "you're being stupid. Why would I do that?"
"Because that crusty ass face wants me to join and ya'll know that my quirk can come in handy. You're just using me!" You said raising your voice a bit.
"So what if I am. The sooner you realize it and join them, the quicker you can shut up about this." He yells back at you. 
"Excuse me? I told you that I don't want to join them and that's that!" You shout, "if all you care about is me joining them, then I'm leaving." 
"Yeah leaving you! So fuck you! Fuck the League of Villains! Fuck everything!" You shout before harshly slamming the door behind you. Dabi stared at the door, realization of what just happened sinking in. 

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