Make Up

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Midoriya Izuku:

It's been weeks until you and Midoriya until one day. One day you were at yours and Midoriya's favorite spot. You were hoping that her would come, but you didn't want to admit that to yourself. Your secret wishes did come true though. 

"(Y/N)?" You heard his voice say and you turned around from your spot seeing the curly green headed boy. 
"Midoriya." You say with a small smile on your face. 
He returns the smile and walks over to where you were and sat without saying a word. 

You wanted to speak up, but you were too nervous to. So was he. The both of you wanted to get it out of the way, but didn't know where to start. 

"Uh Mi- Izuku... I just wanted to say sorry for yelling at you like that. I shouldn't have done that." You start and he looks at you with wide eyes. 
"N-no, you were right. I should of told you. And it's not that I don't trust you it's just...." He zoned off not knowing what to say. 
"It's alright I get it. Being All Might's successor can't be the easiest thing." You shrug. 
"Oh yeah. You still have to explain to me how you know that." He says and you look down at your lap. 
"Okay, but under no circumstances, don't tell anyone." You say and he nods quickly. 
"Yeah, yeah okay. So basically I go to a school where I'm training to become a... almost like a spy or a hit woman." You lower your voice. 
You grab your pen and paper from your bag and write down the schools name to show him. 
The whole time his eyes were shining with interest which made you happy. 

You set down the paper and looked back up at him, ".... so are are we okay?" You ask. 
He smiles at you and nods, pulling you into a hug. 

Bakugou Katsuki: 

"Babe, you got to talk to me sometime." You heard Katsuki say but you only rolled your eyes and kept pulling stuff out of your locker. You have ignored him for at least two weeks now. 
"(Y/N), please. Just listen to damn it!" He snaps, finally. 
He suddenly grabs your wrist and pulls you into a janitor closet. 
Usually this meant something else, but this time it was different. 
"What? Katsuki? What could you possibly want?" You snapped, trying to keep your emotions in check. 

"Please, let me talk to you."
"Fine, you got three minutes."
He narrowed his eyes at you for being so stubborn, but that was one of the many things he liked about you.
"I didn't mean what I said, I swear. I was just so angry that you could be so reckless. Don't take what I said seriously, I would never forgive myself if you really did. I- I'm sorry." He mutters the last part and a small smile cracks on your face. 
"Could you say that last part again?" You tease and his eyes narrow even more but he didn't speak up. 
You raise an eyebrow at him and reach your hand out to the doorknob, "well I guess I'm just going to head to class now." You say but he grabs your wrist.
"I said I'm sorry." He grumbles more clearly and a smile breaks out on your face. 

A weight is lifted off his shoulder when he sees you smile. He hasn't seen you like that in a while so it was a huge relief. 
You stood on your tip toes and pecked his lips, "you're forgiven." 

Todoroki Shouto: 

He didn't exactly know how to apologize to you but he could tell that you weren't taking care of your self that well. He saw you loose weight and the eyes bags were getting darker. He was getting increasingly worried. 
"(Y/N), can we talk?" You heard his voice and you looked up at him with a smile. 
"Yeah, of course."
He sat down beside you and purses his lips thinking about what he was going to say. 
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have lashed out on you like that. I was angry at my father and I just snapped. I know it's not an excuse, and it never will be. But I'm really sorry." He says and the smile slowly comes off your face. 
"So you mean... you didn't mean any of those words?" You asked and he nodded. 
"I can see how affected you... you shouldn't have done that." He says looking down at his hands. 
"Oh..." you whisper, "sorry."
"You have nothing to be sorry about."
"Well, uh... you up for some soba?" 

Kirishima Eijiro:

He honestly tried to talk for you, but every time you ignored him. The more days that went by, the worst you felt. So when he came up to talk to you one day, you actually answered. 
"(Y/N)." He says walking up to you. 
"Kirishima." You answer back in the same tone. 
He looks shocked for a second, surprised that you actually answered. 
"Please, tell me what I did wrong. You haven't talked to me in days."
"You still don't know why I'm upset?" You asked in shock. He doesn't answer, but that's a good enough answer for you.
You let out a huff of annoyance. 
"God, if I say it I'm going to sound like a clingy bitch." You say folding your arms. 
"Hey, hey no. I would never think that. Communication is key, so please talk to me." 
"It's just that.. you've been a little too close to Ashido and I'm just worried that you'll leave me for her." You explain. 
He looks at you with wide eyes and he blinks a couple times. 
"(Y/N), I would never leave you for anyone else. Trust me when I say this, you're the only one for me." He says making sure to keep eye contact with you the whole time. 
This caused you to blush madly and nod your head.
"Does this mean you'll talk to me again?" He shyly smiles at you and you once again nod. 

Tamaki Amijiki: 

No fights. 

Hitoshi Shinso:

The doorbell to your apartment you lived in rung through the quite apartment making you set down your pen. You answer it seeing it was Hitoshi. 
"Hitoshi, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be out with your friends?" You ask and he cringes, silently beating himself up for his mistake. 
He rubs the back of his neck, "ah, no. I wanted to say sorry for bailing out on you. It was wrong of me." He says and you just hummed in agreeance. 
"So I got us tickets to that new movie I know you said you wanted to see." He says with a hopeful smile on his face as he lifts up the two movie tickets. 
As much as you wanted to stay mad at him, you couldn't. You missed him just as much as he did to you. 
" I would love to." You say with a smile growing on your face.    

Aizawa Shouta:

You were so down lately. It didn't help that you worked with him so every time you saw him it made you even more upset. He wanted to talk to you, but it wasn't like you were giving him the chance to talk. 

You were putting some equipment away when you heard a small knock. You turned around expecting it to be a student but was shocked when you saw Shouta. 
"Are you hurt?" You asked. 
"Then you don't have to be here." You quickly cut him off turning back around. 
You heard him sigh and he walked into the room more. 
"Yes, I'm hurt." 
You turned back around even though you didn't believe him. 
He didn't answer almost if he was thinking, "... here..." he trailed off pointing at his chest. 
"You're hurt at your chest?" You ask sending him a look. 
He slowly nods, unsure of himself, "yes. My chest is hurt... from our fight."
You finally understand what he was saying and you had to hold back your laugh. 
"I'm sorry for forgetting our anniversary. I have no good excuse of missing it, and if you'll let me, let me make it up to you."
"And how are you going to do that?" You ask fighting off a smile. 
"Be ready by 6 tonight. Wear something nice." He says before walking out and a smile erupts on both of your faces. 


You were shoving ice cream in your mouth and watching your favorite show when you heard the door slam open. You would of jumped, but by now you were used to it. You continued to shove ice cream in your mouth ignore Dabi's presence as he stormed into your living room. 
"(Y/N)! You've been ignoring my phone calls." He says while you eye him. 
"Yeah, I did that on purpose." You shrug turning back to the TV. 
Dabi rolls his eyes, a little grateful that you spoke to him. 
"Let's talk." He says, sitting on one of your chairs. 
"Why? So you can convince me to join the League of Villains. No thanks."

Dabi sighs, "it's not like that."
You raise an eyebrow, "then what? How could it not be getting close to me just to trick me into joining."
"Look (y/n), I don't even like the group myself. Shigaraki just bothers me every day about you... and I get annoyed with it. I guess I'm saying is that I was releasing that onto you." He says. 
You scowl at him, "fine. You're forgiven. But you owe me." You wave him off turning back to your TV show. 
You didn't even care, you just wanted to get back to being lazy. 

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