What If? ~ Todoroki Shouto

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Imagine: What If? ~ Todoroki Shouto x reader
Prompt: What if I kissed you right now?
Requested by: NiaMB9867 
Quirk: Solid Script. Anything you write will come true. 
Background: You and Shouto are best friends. One night you and Shouto decide to play a silly game. What if. One of you decide to ask a risky question. Will it ruin your friendship or will it go further?
Warning: fluffiness? 
A/N: I hope this is good!


"I don't think I'll ever beat you at this game...." Todoroki Shouto murmurs while eyeing the cards in front of them. 
"That's because I'm the best." The girl smugly says with an evil smile. 

He gives the (h/c) a questioning look before shaking his head, "I don't think so..." He says before putting down a card. 


"Oh." You shrug, "that's okay." Y/N calmly said. 
"If you say so." He says. He then puts down another card. 


(Y/N) pouts seeing another skip card. 

Another card. 

'Draw 2' 

"Aww." (y/n) says while drawing two. 

Another card. 

'Draw 4' 

"Okay, chill Shouto." (y/n) says picking up four more cards. 
"I'm sorry (y/n)... I just can't let you win." He says slamming down another card. 


'At least it's not another draw card....' (Y/N) thought to herself with a sweat drop. 

The (h/c)-nette had spoke too soon. 

'Draw 2' 

"Uno." Shouto says with a smirk on his face.
"Oh my god, Shouto. Spare me please." 

Shouto takes a deep inhale, "you're pleas won't help you today." He says putting down another card. 

'Draw 2'

"Uno out." He says with a victory smile. 

(y/n) dramatically falls onto her back while crying out, "how could you do me like this? Your own best friend!" She cries out. 

The said Todoroki doesn't respond, only stares out into space. She was used to this though. 

"Well clearly you're the master at Uno, so lets play another game." She says picking up the cards to put them in the box. 

"Okay, like what?" He asks, breaking out of his trance. 

"Hmm," the girl hums tapping her chin, "how about 'what if'?" She asks. 

"What's that?"
"Basically we ask each other what if questions. No matter how ridiculous it is."
"So... how do you win?"
"There's no winning to it! It's just a fun little game." 

"Well, how am I supposed to witness you loose yet another game." He states and the girl sweat drops. 
"You just want to see me loose?" She asks and he just nods. 
"Wow..." She whispers shaking her head. 

"Whatever," she shakes off his comment, "I'll start."

"What if.... what if you woke up one morning to wake up in a country where no one spoke Japanese?" 
"Well that's easy, I'll just learn their language." He answers with a shrug and (y/n) laughs. 

"Okay, Mr. Smarty pants. You're turn." 

"Hmm.... what if you were given the chance to go to the moon. Would you go?" 
"Yeah of course!"
"Because I bet it's so beautiful up there!" She exclaims with a dreamy look in her eyes. 

"Okay, I got one." She says, "what if you had to pick one person to be with forever, who would you choose?" She asks.
"You." He answers without missing a beat. 
"Huh?" She says a pink dust forming across her cheeks, "you sure? You didn't even think about it." 
"Yeah, no question about it."

(Y/N) laughs nervously to herself as she felt her heartbeat increase and her palms get sweaty. And why was she so warm all of a sudden. Was she getting sick? What was this feeling in her stomach? 
Suddenly it hit her, did she have a crush on her best friend? That couldn't be true, he for sure didn't have feeling for her... or that's what she thought. 

On Todoroki's end he was internally freaking out, what if he messed up big time and she starts acting weird towards him. He decides he'll have to lighten the situation. 

"What if instead of police dogs, it were giant man sized police spiders." Todoroki asks knowing full well of her fear of spiders. 

The color drains from her face just thinking about it. A shudder runs down her spine.
"There'll be less crime for sure.... but then the hero business would go out of business.." She answers and Todoroki just nods his head. 

"Okay, I got one. What if animals could talk, which animal do you think would be the rudest?" She asks and an amused smile lights up on both of their faces. 

"Cats." They both answer at the same time causing (y/n) to laugh and Shouto chuckle. 
"Imagine what my cat would say to me." (y/n) say thinking about her fat cat. Hannibal. You loved him, but he could be a real asshole sometimes. 

"He would probably comment on your life decisions." Todoroki says. 
"Hey!" She says acting offended. 

"Oh I have one," Shouto says causing (y/n) to stop laughing and nod. 
"What if you had one sentence that you could say and the whole world will hear it. Basically your own platform." He explain and she nods.
"I love my bestie, Todoroki Shouto!" Y/N exclaim with out even thinking. 

Her (e/c) eyes widen and a blush forms on both of their cheeks. The tension grew thicker between them as more time passed, and none of them said a word. (y/n) was about to say something until Shouto leans forward, just a little bit though. 

"What if I were to kiss you right now?" He asks and her eyes widen from shock. 
"I would... like that." She nervously whispers. She was scared that if he go too close he would be able to hear heart basically beating out of her chest. 

A small smile is seen on his face before he leans forward to capture the girls lips with his own. 
(y/n) was basically shaking from his kiss but she kisses back anyway. Placing her hand on his cheek and leaning more into his kiss. 

The both of them break away, the need of oxygen becoming too much. Shouto leans his forehead onto her so he could look into her eyes. He could see that her (e/c) eyes were filled with love and admiration. 

"What if I were to ask you on a date?" (y/n) whispers and Shouto chuckles. 
"I think I'm supposed to ask you that." 
"But it was my turn." She says and he just nods. 

"What if I asked you to be my girlfriend?" He asks and (y/n) smiles. 

"I would love that." 

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