Shaken~ Tamaki Amajiki

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Imagine: Shaken ~ Tamaki Amajiki x f!reader
Prompt: I love you.... and that scares the hell out of me.
Quirk: Super Strength. Allows user to lift an abnormal amount of weight. 
Drawback: If over used, the user can cause a muscle strain, a pulled muscle or soreness. 
Requested by: SalemCarter2002005 
Warnings: None

The (h/c) haired girl hums while she tapped her fingers against her wooden desk. She was deep in thought... what about exactly? 
Her long time crush, Tamaki Amajki. 

She had known the boy since they were in junior high. Everything about him she loved. 

Even though he wasn't that much outspoken, she still found him alluring. She found how he was shy and introverted so extremely adorable. Sure, she would like to help him with his anxiety, but to her he was perfect. 

Don't even get her started on his looks either. He was taller than her, standing at 5'9 while she stood at (desired height). His indigo hair looked so soft and fluffy that she just wanted to run her hands through his hair all day. Oh and his ears, they were so pointy and cute. 

However, she could never tell Tamaki how she felt about him. For two reasons. One, she knew that Tamaki would be too shy to return the feelings or might even become embarrassed by her confessing. And secondly, she was scared. She was nervous to do so, also scared to get rejected. I mean, who would want to be rejected by the boy you loved for years?? 

But the thing was... Tamaki had been avoiding her for weeks now. 

At first, it was subtle. So subtle that she didn't notice it. It started off when the Big Three and her would hang out. He would suddenly leave, saying he had business to attend to or that he needed to get rest for upcoming training. She never questioned it at first. 

It became noticeable when she would run into him at the library or in the cafeteria. He would run off saying that he needed to meet up with Mirio... but he would walk the opposite direction Mirio was in. 

Ever since she noticed that, she noticed every small thing that Tamaki had did just to avoid her. 

Had Tamaki grown tired of her? Did he not want to be friends with her anymore? Just thinking about that basically broke her heart into pieces. 

She had to do something about it!

She quickly stood up, the chair scraping in protest from the sudden action. She then marches to Tamaki's dorm, knowing that he would be there after he trained. 

After her walk, she found herself knocking at his door. It took a while, but the door slowly opened a bit. Leaving just a tiny crack. 

Tamaki's eye's landed on the girl, his eyes widening. He was about to slam his door shut, but (y/n) put her hand out, stopping the door from moving any further. 

Even if he tried to push the door closed with all his might, it wouldn't get anywhere. Due to (y/n)'s quirk of course. 

"Tamaki!" She loudly says, startling the poor boy. 
She never uses his last name, only when she was serious or upset with him. Which wasn't a good thing to him. 

He didn't answer, so (y/n) kept talking. 

"We need to talk." 
".... about?"

There was no answer, only silence. Meaning that whatever (y/n) wanted to talk about was something that she wanted to talk about in private. Just thinking about that made him even more nervous. 
Alone in the same room. Just the two of them. 

He finally stopped pushing on the door and opened it, letting (y/n) into his clean room. 

Tamaki rubs the back of his neck nervously. 
"W-what did you want to talk about?" 

"I want to know why you have been avoiding me for these past weeks." 

His eyes widen in surprise. He didn't think she would catch on to that. 

"I-... I don't know what y-you're talking about." 
(y/n) rolls her eyes, "yes you do. Just give me a straight up answer. I won't get upset with you're reasoning." 

Tamaki's heart started to beat faster. What was he supposed to say? That he loved her? Loved her so much that he just couldn't face it. It was embarrassing to him that he could harbor such feelings for his friend. It was like he just knew that she would never return the feelings. So he did the only sane thing to do. Avoid her until those feelings went away. 
Works every time. Right? 

He couldn't think up of a lie right in the spot. Not one that wouldn't hurt (y/n)'s feelings anyway. That was the last thing he wanted to do to her. 

"I don't want to say..." 
"Huh?! What do you mean? I promise you, whatever it is it's fine. I just want the honest truth. I've been beginning to miss you and my feelings are a little hurt that you're avoiding me." 

Tamaki's heart basically fell hearing her words. He didn't want to hurt her feelings by avoiding her as well. 
He closed his eyes, gulping down saliva from being so nervous. 
Suddenly he felt softer hands in his own. 

"If... if you don't like me anymore. I understand." (y/n) quietly says, immediately thinking of the worst. 

Tamaki's eyes suddenly opened wide and he shook his head. 
"N-no! That's not it." 

(y/n) tilts her head to the side wondering what was his reason to avoiding her then. 

"It's... it's the opposite." 

Now she was even more confused. 

By now Tamaki's heart was beating even faster now. He was sure that (y/n) could feels his pulse just from his hands. Speaking about her still holding his hands, how has she not noticed how sweaty they were? 
He couldn't admit why he ignored her, but he had to. She wouldn't leave him alone until she got an honest answer. 

"I... " He starts but starts to tumble over his words. 
"Hey, it's alright." (y/n) says giving his hands a tight squeeze. Something that (y/n) had always done to calm him down. 

Tamaki took in a deep inhale and exhale to calm himself down. 

"I... I love you so much (y/n). I love you... and it scares the hell out of me. I never felt this way for any one before and I don't know what to do." After his rushed confession he looked down to the girl he just said this too. 

(y/n) blinked twice, trying to digest this new information. She thought she was dreaming, but when Tamaki's hold on her hands tighten just a little bit, it brought her back to reality. She then began to think this was a joke.... but Tamaki would never joke about something like this. Never. 

However, to Tamaki her not answer for three seconds felt like an eternity to him. He took this as a rejection. He was about to apologize but (y/n) beat him to it. 

"I can... I can start by saying I love you back." (y/n) says and Tamaki's eyes widen hearing her words. 

They both held eye contact, nervousness and love in each other eyes. 

One of (y/n)'s hands left Tamaki's and caressed the side of his face. 

"I love you too Amajiki." 

Hearing those words come from (y/n) had brought Tamaki onto cloud nine, but he was too embarrassed to show it. 
Instead he pulls her into a tight hug, his head buried in her hair. 

"T-thank you." He whispers and (y/n) just smiles, hugging back. 

From that day on the both of them had became inseparable. 

Up Next: What if~ Tamaki Amajiki x f!reader
Word Count: 1276

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