My Fault~ Bakugou Katsuki

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Imagine: My Fault~ Katsuki Bakugou x reader
A/N: So I thought of this literally at like three in the morning. I woke up and was like 'I'm going to make this'... so fair warning. Hella sad and angst cause I can't stop being a depressed bitch.
Quirk: Water bending. Allows user to manipulate water at their will. 
Warning: angst, cussing, suicide. (if this is a trigger, please skip)


There stood a woman on the edge of bridge looking down at the crashing waters below. The dark sky made it impossible to see into the water. Her (h/c) blowing in the slight wind. 
It was quiet, the only thing that could be heard was the sound of the waters crashing together and insects. 
It was peaceful, something that (y/n) much enjoyed. Something she wanted to be enveloped in forever. 

Could she do it though? Could she make that dreadful jump? She had everything planned out, but could she follow through with it? Everything seemed so much easier as she planned it out, but now since it's in action it was a lot scarier. 

This was stupid, what she was feeling was stupid. Or at least that what she was trying to tell herself. Trying to talk herself out of it. Was her feelings really stupid though? 

She was so tired of feeling nothing. Just an empty hold inside of her. She wanted that empty hold to let go of her, and the only way for it to let go was to literally jump off. 

It wasn't like she had anything to live for anyway. During class, she stayed by herself. No one talked to her, not even the pervert who hit on anything with a pair of legs and boobs. Her parents barely payed attention to her anyway. Would they even notice she is gone? Of course not. 
No one cared about her anyway. If anything she was a burden. Who wanted a burden? 

Her decision was made, she was going to follow through with her plan. 

An ash blonde walked down the dark side walks of the streets with his hands stuffed in his pockets. Any one with common sense wouldn't be walking down the streets at this time in fear of villains or thugs walking around but Bakugou wasn't scared of them. He wasn't afraid to beat any one's ass. 

A flash of white caught his eye as he came up the bridge. The white dress stood out in the dark so of course he saw it. 

The female figure looked familiar to him... a little familiar. 

"(L/N)...." He questions himself as he walks closer to the figure to see if it was really her. 

It was her. 

What was she doing? Doesn't she know that's dangerous? Is she stupid? Wait... is she going to jump? He really hoped not. He actually grown a fondness over the girl... even though he hasn't talked to her, yet. 

He planned to, he really did. It was just the fact whenever he tried, he got too nervous which is- I know- out of character for him. And it didn't help that she never spoke up, so how was he going to talk to her?

She was the only one that didn't annoy her. She didn't have to talk to him to even know that he liked her. He watched her actions, her interests and he immediately fell for it. Everything she did didn't annoy him which shocked him. 

He hated how easily he fell for her. She didn't even talk to him and she already had him whipped. 

Once he was close enough he could clearly see it was her. 

Her (h/l) (h/c) cascaded down her shoulders framing her face as she looked down. Her white dress framed her body just perfectly, the length flowing in the wind as well. If it wasn't for the situation, he would say she looked absolutely beautiful. 

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