They Hurt You

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Midoriya Izuku: 

You didn't know this but Midoriya didn't do so well with horror movies, you on the other hand took them like a champ. Midoriya never told you this because he was scared that you would see him weaker. 

You had just finished watching (horror movie of your choice). You were getting ready for bed and when you came out of the restroom you didn't see Midoriya. So you walked into the kitchen seeing him getting a glass of water, however he didn't see to notice your present. 

You walked up to him, "Izuku?" You say putting a hand on his shoulder. 

In one quick motion, he quickly turned around and punched you in your face. 
You let out a small gasp, stumbling back a couple feet, your hands grasping your nose as blood dripped down your face in small trickles. 

Bakugou Katsuki: 

You and Bakugou seemed to argue a lot, but it was never serious and he had never laid a hand on you. However this time it was different. The tension in the air was heavy as the both of you argued, like it was a serious argument. 

"You seriously need to calm down with all this training. You're pushing yourself too hard." You tell Bakugou who was trying to ignore you, but he couldn't 
"Well, you don't have to worry about getting your hero license. Just leave me alone!"
"No, I'm not. You've been training nonstop, spending less time with me. We haven't actually had time together in almost two weeks." 

Bakugou turns around and glares at you, "oh so you're making this about you?"
"No! I'm not. I'm just worried about your own well being." You shout back at him, which he didn't like. 

Bakugou stood up, placing his hands on your shoulders, giving them a slight push. 
"Don't shout at me." He growls and you pushed him back. 
"Don't lay your hands on me." You sneer at him. 

"I. Do. What. I. Want." He says placing his hands on your shoulders again, only this time he added a bit of his quirk causing a bit of an explosion with his push. 

"Gah!" You yell out in pain as your shoulders burn and you fell to the ground, "you're such an idiot!" You yell at him before storming out of his room so you could tend to your wounds. 

It wasn't until hours later that Bakugou realized what he did. 

Todoroki Shouto: 

Todoroki was holding onto your hand as the both of you listened to his father speak. It wasn't exactly encouraging words. However, Todoroki was so upset that he didn't realize that he was squeezing your hand too tightly. 

It was like he channeled all his anger towards his father all into your hand. 
He didn't realize what he was doing until his father left and he looked at you. 

He was confused to why you had some tears falling down your face until he looked down at the hand he was holding. 

It was slightly red and swollen, it wasn't broken, but he could tell that it brought you a good amount of pain. 

Kirishima Eijirou: 

Your quirk was good for offensive, but defensive side was not so good. 
Currently you and Eijirou were training. You kept shooting arrows at him, and his skin helped block it. Over time, he was getting used to your shots though so he was able to advance towards you quickly. 

You couldn't really do anything as he was now right in front of you. You couldn't even get into a defensive stance as Kirishima's fist collided with your stomach. 
You let out a groan as his hardened skin came into contact with your gut, and it wasn't long until you found yourself coughing up blood. 

Tamaki Amajiki: 

Tamaki would NEVER hurt you on purpose. However, accidents do happen. 
One day you noticed that Tamaki had forgotten his lunch during his training day with his friends. So being the nice girlfriend you were, you packed it for him and brought it to him. 

When you arrived you didn't realize how serious their training were at time. 
"Hey Ama-" You started but got cut off as something hit you in the face. 

You stumbled back a bit, dropping the lunch you had packed. When you looked up confused, you saw that Tamaki was standing there with a mortified look on his face. 

Hitoshi Shinsou: 

You crawled over Hitoshi as he slept. Usually you would let him sleep, but he had something important in about an hour and he needed to get up. 
"Hitoshi wake up." You say, but he didn't wake up. 

You then started to shake him slightly, but that didn't work as well. 

You then started to shake him slightly harder. That seemed to do the trick. 

Hitoshi immediately sat up, not knowing that you were hovering him. His head immediately smacked right into yours, knocking you off the bed. 

Aizawa Shouta: 

For some reason, his students wanted to see you and Aizawa spar. It was an odd request and you knew for sure that he was going to beat you with that cancelling quirk of his. It was even more odd that he excepted. 

So here you stood, his students watching. You told them that you had no fighting experience, but they still wanted to see you in action. 

You held your hands out, hoping that you would stop him in time before he used his quirk on you. But it was too late as you noticed he didn't freeze. 

"Awe man," you whined bending down to pick up some dirt which was now your only offense. 
You were about to throw the dirt in his face, hoping that it would make him close his eyes. He saw what you were about to do and with his scarf, he grabbed your wrist. 

You seethed out in pain, not realizing how tight his bonding really is. You weren't going to go down easy though. Before he could even get a chance to wrap you up completely with his scarf, you twisted your body so you could get out of the way. 

"Aha!" You say once you realize that your hand was free from his scarf and you dodged your attack.
"I'm free!" You say holding up your hand. 
All though you didn't realize that you had completely dislocated your wrist from it's socket. 

"Oh..." You say looking at the disgruntled wrist. 


You tried your best to not get into arguments with Dabi, seeing how he could be violent at times. 
But arguments can't be avoided. 

"What did you think you were doing?!" Dabi seethes at you as he walks closer to you. 
"Living a normal life, you know going out with my friends and actually going to work." 

"You can't do that! We already went through this, you're associated with villains." 

You scoff, rolling your eyes... which was a mistake. 
"And whose fault is that?" 

Suddenly you were pinned to the wall, by a strong force against your neck blocking all air to leave or come in. Dabi punched the wall beside your head, causing large cracks to appear in the wall. 

"Shut your damn mouth, you know damn well that I didn't choose this." He growls in your face. 
You could feel his hand becoming hotter, making you thing - was he about to use his quirk on you? 

You kept pushing at his wrist, hoping that he would let go, but he didn't. 
It wasn't until that black started to enter your vision, was that he let you. Once you hit the ground, you coughed despertately trying to draw air back into your lungs. 

All you heard was the door slamming and you didn't see Dabi after that.

Up Next: They Apologize 
Word Count: 1297

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