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Narrator:"he was a hero,a friend,a brother,a great soldier,and a great kid. He will be missed" the heroic soldier,aboud,was thought dead by the faith soldiers,and there is one girl who was devastated the most,Layal alabaster. She had to marry royalty,and so her father,Adnan, got her 3 suitors. John thunder,rich Fredrickson,and khalifa ashraf. At the moment,Layal is talking to rima Sherman,her best friend.
Layal: Rima, What do you think about the suitors?
Rima: well,John is egocentric,rich is a loudmouth,and khalifa is just... Annoying.
Layal: *giggle* Well,none of them are my type.
Rima: So your type is aboud?
Layal: I know you never got along with him,but cmon,he really was nice.
Rima:yeah,but what are we going to do now?
Layal: I'll think of something,in the mean time,I'll be with father.
Rima:if you say so,I'll head out. See ya!
*Layal leaves*
Rima: So, you heard everything?
Aboud(soul): Y..Yeah *blushing*
Narrator:aboud managed to infuse a part to him into a bracelet and sent it to her,which gave her his power <<excalibur>> a mysterious power to them which summon a body or infuses powers of that body.
Aboud(soul): why did I have to hear that she is in love with me everyday?!
Rima:well, you're stuck with me,so yes :3
Aboud(soul): I regret choosing you !
Rima: meh.
Narrator: meanwhile, on the earth relay, we see the four warlords, zekro,DK,shy and volty think of a way to get the serum. Zekro, the king of all tenno, wanted to get a vile of the serum without hurting the faith soldiers.
Volty: Ok,so persuasion Did not work, and they hate the tenno for some reason.
Shy: How can you be so calm about not hurting the ones who sealed your sister,I thought you would at least try at one point.
DK: cmon shy, he's trying for zekro,unlike you.
Shy:what did I do!
Zekro: you called them scumbags, degenerates, stupid, retards, shitheads, etc. You ruined it all.
Shy: Ok,I did that for fun, like in my videos.
Zekro: This is no video, this is real life shy.
Shy: why do you care about not hurting them?
DK: If it wasn't for this bizzare condition you put,we would have gotten it!
Zekro: I know it would be hard with the condition, but I owe it to them.
Volty: why though?
Zekro: it's a long story which I will tell after getting the serum.
Shy: alright,we will try distracting them while you go and take the serum.
Zekro: and I got you some help. Shows hand
Shy,DK,Volty: What's this?
Zekro: command spells,I got a servant for myself.
Shy: a servant?
Zekro: meet our help, Jeanne d'arc alter
Jalter: hmph,so they are your "elite"? They look pretty week.
Shy: Wow, she's growing on me already.
Narrator: back at the city, a girl named lily is trying to summon her own servant.lily wanted to be in the grail war with the central international spark or C.I.S.
Lily: ok, let's see. magic circle is ready, the catalyst is ready, just need to say the incantation. Come to me my servant, form a pact with me if you see me worthy of your power. Let our destinies change and intertwine through our great power!!
Narrator: a bright red and orange light appeared, showing a child of well tanned skin and iron grey hair. He was wearing a red sleeveless jacket with gold lining , underneath was a light armor and black pants.
Lily: Woaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!
???: May I ask you,are you the one who summoned me? My master?
Lily:I..indeed I am,may I ask of your name?
Aboud(heroic spirit): my name is aboud,the great hero of faith!
Lily: and class? A saber, archer, assassin, lancer, rider,berserker,or caster? OH, maybe Avenger!
Aboud(heroic spirit): actually master, I am none of those. I'm from a class that came fr this grail war,the sage.
Lily: Huh??
Narrator: how will fate play it's cards with these people? And what secrets are yet to be unfold?

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