Chapter 17, A Smile

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OOF! Welp time for me to write a chapter for 'I Guess' now....*Sigh*

"So?...what do you think?" I asked from my glass-tank. I stared at Denki who was covered in red juice from a fruit from the surface. He was on the wooden floor, currently very immobile. Sero came back with a napkin, dampened in water and clean off all the sticky juice of Denki's scaley body.

Denki's face flared up from embarrassment, as he tried to suppress the soft squeaks that were threatening to escape his lips. I watched at the seeming innocent scene slowly turning sexual.

"Denki don't forget a child is watching," I commented his face turned even redder along with his shoulders. It reminded me of my brother's hair...

A soft sigh escaped my pale lips, it's been a while since we came here. In the beginning, Sero was going to skin us, but I think he fell in love with Denki, it was pretty obvious from his red face at the current situation. 

Sero never missed a day and would visit us every day, but I think he was just here to just be with Denki. He would talk to us using Denki as a medium, but after a bit, it would just end up with the two of them talking to themselves using eel. Though Denki said that to humans, it is called morse code. 

Then when Sero doesn't show up at his usual time. Denki starts to panic and when he does come later in the day he starts to sulk. Leaving a confused Sero. 

If I had to say a good thing I learnt from all this was Eel. I mean I'm not fluent but I know a few words! So that good! Then me and my brother, along with Denki, Mina and Bakugou. Can all go visit Denki's family then I'll be able to say hello to them, then we can become friends!

Then when we get to the Wave Point and get mum and dad back everyone will be happy...

Brother said that mum and dad were very nice, I wish I had got to meet them...It's fine though as soon I'll get to meet them.

Then maybe...

Then maybe brother won't look so sad anymore...

Bakugou...I know brother has an interest in that peculiar fish. I can see it from the way he interacts with him. He smiles a lot more around that fish. Bakugou though, I can't really tell what he feels for my brother. He always seems to be thinking of something in past when no ones around. He has the same facial expression as my brother when he thinks about mum and dad.


Bakugou seems very lonely like he is forced to be here. Like he doesn't want to be here. Like he longs for somewhere else. 

But, I know my brother can change him, as Bakugou is changing my brother. I know that for a fact as I occasionally see him staring at my brother with an expression I can't read. 


Sero is actually a very nice person, and he decided to help us escape, our plan was to fake our death using this red fruit called. Orchies as Sero called them, the juice they produce is so red that it looks like blood. It is often called Blood fruit.

We also found out we can breathe in air, but our bodies still need water. Actual we found out by mistake when Denki had swum out of his tank with this body still in the water. We had all screamed at him, before he realised he was no longer in the water. Thanks to Denki we were able to find out something important.

We were currently practising our final run because later today was the day that we were supposed to be killed.

Everything was going as planned until a large boom was heard underneath the ship, making us all shake from the trembling ship.

It wasn't long until more trembles and large explosions could be felt and heard.

"Something is attacking the ship!" A new crew member sprinted into the door. The only human we had seen and interacted with was Sero, Denki said that Sero was in charge of taking care of us, and he had been telling them not to talk to us. So seeing someone else other than Sero come into here surprised me.

She had short black hair with two slightly longer strands of hair almost touching her shoulders. She had two small red triangles right underneath her eyes. To me what stood out the most to me was her long earlobes.

"What...what is happening?" I could understand her confusion, even if I didn't understand what she was saying I could see from her body language she was confused. She had just walked into her crewmate who was supposed to be getting ready to skin us alive later, currently hugging onto one of the mermen that they are supposed to skin.

Sero shot from the floor dropping the surprised Denk onto the cold hard floor, a loud squelch was heard when he landed.

"N-now is the time for this, we are being attacked remember!" Sero said trying to divert her attention. As if on cue another explosion could be heard followed by trembles. "S-see!"

"Yes...okay...then follow me." She said running out of the area we were being held captive in. I noticed Sero breathe a sigh a relief before quickly rushing after her. Though he ran back and dumped Denki back into the tank, thankfully.

Then he bolted out of the room.

Then like that it was quiet except for the occasional tremors, we were all quiet and I'm pretty sure we knew why.

The attack wasn't random.

"It's probably Bakugou and Kirishima," Mina commented, she had been as quiet as a sea slug until now. We both silently nodded as that was most likely the case.

"My big brother is going to save us!" I sand happily

"Yeah, but our plan was less messy..." Denki said in a low voice.

"It might have been but do you really think they throw us into the sea without checking if our scales were really gone?"

Mina was right the plan had a lot of holes, not only that but I'm sure they check if we were really dead or they might not even throw us into the sea.

Denki couldn't retort so he stayed silent.

I was happy that my brother and Bakugou were here, but I wish they didn't destroy the ship. Denki said that Sero and his crew spent so much money getting this ship, that it was like their baby. So I knew Sero would be sad, and I didn't want that.

While I was wallowing in my sadness a large explosion suddenly ruptured right beside my tank, I suddenly felt a very strong current of water pull me back. I rolled around for a bit coming to a stop in familiar arms. I looked up at the ever so familiar face.

 I looked up at his smiling face. I missed that face so much, his red hair glistened from the rays of the sun hitting against his red strands of hair, making it look like his hair was on fire.

"Big Brother!" I yelled in joy as I squeezed my brother. I missed him so much. I smiled sincerely for the first time in weeks

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