NOTE(Very important and not regarding update)

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Hello everyone! This is not an update coz before updating, I would like to know 2 things from the readers?

1. I want to know if we have some below 18 people here. Is it ok if I write slightly mature content? I have a portion of that kind in the story after a few parts, just a tad bit.

I have two options here

a. I write it a bit you know... explicitly...though I ll try my best to bring it out guys  wont cringe hopefully or,

b. I use symbolism for it and leave it to your interpretation and imagination.

I really need your opinions on this before drafting the next part. Please post your comments as soon as possible. You can even reply with just a or b.

2. This is more serious one. I have observed no. of comments decreasing and it doesnt feel good. If I dont know what you guys feel about the chapter then it leaves me confused.I am not asking for validation or sentences full of praises but just a single line comment to express your view. +/- bashing ...doesnt matter. If you can help me with that then its good and if not then its I guess ...I dont have a choice😞.

But if you ever feel offended with something...please please ask me to immediately address the issue.

Btw those who have not read the About the story part do read it...its the summary of whole story. All your doubts about how 'Khushi-Arnav' relationship progresses ll be cleared.

Thanks guys for taking time out and reading this note.Dont forget to share your views and accordingly I ll update on Sunday.

Happy Diwali to all of you. Best Wishes.   

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