The Beach (mclennon)

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Warning: sassy paul

John and Paul are going on a two week getaway to Key West Flordia. It was suggested by Ringo who had gone to the island with George a few times and some by himself. After what seemed like a 100 hour flight and a drive down he stepped out of the car they rented and looked around. "Pretty small dont'ya think johnny." He said putting on his sunglasses due to the hot sun

"Well that's because we hadn't looked around yet." He laughed looking around to make sure nobody recognized them. it was small and John knew it, he wanted one part of the island just to relax and not have to deal with any news reporters fans, etc. He of course didn't want to tell his princess that. "I rented us out a little condo over there, not that far." He got there bags and walked to the house with him. "Also are those my sunglasses your wearing."

Paul shrugged and a little smirk came onto his face. "Hmm...maybe.." He said digging the key out of his pocket to give to john. "If your gonna hide something maybe it shouldn't be in the glove box." He laughed walking inside feeling the nice cool air

John rolled his eyes, attempting not to smile walking in and dropping there bags. "Can we just appreciate were not livin in the bloody 1800s right now." He said panting

" yes yes we can. " he chuckled and took off his sunglasses putting them on the table and falling onto the couch next to john. "Should we just lay here or check out the house because I'm hot."

" let's just lay here for a moment mr 'I'm gonna bring my jacket just in case'" he laughed at Paul's expression pinching his cheek

"Watch it lennon..." He pinched his nose back hiding his blush

" OH~ your telling me to watch it, now here this!! " he said sarcastically grinning as Paul fummed red and blushed. "Your sleeping on the couch tonight if ye don't watch it, or I'll throw you into the ocean." He said eyebrows furrowed crossing his arms to his chest

" O-oh you'll throw me in the ocean. " John smirked getting close to Paul's face getting on top of him. "That's not very lady like is it princess ~" he said looking into Paul's eyes.

"Who said it was lady like johnny." Paul said pushing his face away by putting a finger on his nose causing John to laugh. " why so romantic all of the sudden has that hot sun gotten to your head. " he chuckled

"No but you have..." He said pecking his lips and pulling away leaving him not knowing what to say next

"Aww did true loves kiss finally break you." He said a hand under his chin. Normally Paul and John always picked fights like this, but John would normally win and Paul would forgive him with a kiss to his lips.

" Get off me yah daft git. " he pushed him off and sat on his lap.

He laughed and kissed his lips softly cupping Paul's red crimson cheeks, Paul kissed back slowly and pulled away smiling at him. "So what should we do first."

" I heard there's a pool out back or we could go down to the ocean. " he suggested and Paul froze.  He had never really been to the beach much and had never really gone in the ocean maybe once or twice as a kid but he barely remembers it. "Sure sure we can go." He nodded a little and smiled.

" good Alright now go get changed luv" he got up holding him in his arms. "Ummm Johnny you have to put me down first" he giggled playing with John's hair.

"Well I can have my lady have to walk up all those stairs." He said carrying him bridal style which made Paul die laughing. "John have you been reading history books again~what have I told you about reading romeo and Juliet behind my back."

John groaned and rolled his eyes. "No reading historical fanfiction with my permission." He said looking into his brown eyes.

" Good... " he said looking back into his eyes kissing his lips gently

John kissed back for a few seconds before pulling away and setting Paul down. "Were here my luv." He said smiling and then went into the bathroom to change but opened the door again. " if I'm not back in 5 minutes wait longer. " he clicked his tongue winking and closing the door.

John laughed and shook his head side to side. "Oh Johnny what am I going to do with yah."

Soon they got on there swimming trunks and made there way out to the beach, nice pearl white sand and clear ocean water. Paul stepped onto the same and yelped squealing. "HOT!!" he said running to the water and putting his feet in it quickly

John was holding his breathe trying on to laugh but he failed dropping the towels and fell to the ground laughing hard as possible but screamed at the hot sand and ran for the water. This made Paul fall back and laugh really hard his stomach hurting not able to get air and he snorted in a cute way

John came out of the water glaring at him a peace of seaweed on his head. "Very funny..." He said taking the seaweed off. when Paul saw the seaweed he squeezed and held onto John laughing gripping his stomach which made John laugh. " yah done macca~" Paul shook his head and sniffled from laughing so hard. "I hadn't l-laughed that hard in a long time j-johnny." He said coughing his hair falling in his face.

John laughed and the moved the wet hair out of Paul's face and smiled kissing his forehead brining Paul close to him. "Cutie~" John had never seen Paul's hair wet before, well with sweat from the performance but this was different, his hair was more darker and his natural bangs fell in his face more. "Beautiful~" John kissed Paul's neck softly as Paul hummed gently. He loved the affection John was giving, but he wanted to save that for later. "Ok john~" he giggled trying to pull away the tickling feeling of John's lips against his soft collar

"Awww what tired of me already." He said pouting using his baby eyes on Paul that never worked...well most of the time.

"No but I wanted to go lay over on the towels and watch the waves, if that isn't to much for yah" he smiled sweetly and John nodded agreeing. Both him and Paul layed cuddled on a towel with John spooning Paul rubbing his side's gently. "I love you macca."

" I love you to john~"

Thanks for reading I'll update these when I can
These boyfriends I swea-

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