Two of Us (altenate elevator scene)

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There was an awkward silence in the lift as both John and Paul waited for the right floor. John looked down and his lips grew a smirk and he nudged Paul a little

"Cut it out." He glared playfully at him putting his hands back in his shirt pockets as John did it again

"Hey!!" He said looking at him as John attempted to hit him in the back of the head but Paul blocked him and smirked. " Oh~" he chuckled

They then got into a playful hand fight, Paul blocking John's hits as John attempted to get through them a smirk wide on his face. Then John took Paul by the shoulders and pulled him in for a kiss backing into the wall, the kiss felt like magic on his lips, a familiar feeling that John love about paul. It only lasted a few seconds before Paul pushed him away. "Get off!!" He said wiping his mouth, a visible blush on his cheeks. "Just because yokos away doesn't mean you have to stop brushin yah teeth."

"You know you wanted it you tart."John said sarcastically, Paul didn't seem to fight on that argument which made John contemplate for a second before rolling his eyes and leaned in for another kiss holding Paul's cheeks gently as there lips moved together in a slow rythem." John~what're ya doin. " he said kissing his lips again

"Kissing and missing you~" he held Paul's waist with one arm and another around his back. Paul stumbled and put his hands on the wall to stop from falling before slowly putting his arms around John's neck. There kiss didn't last long before the lift door opened and they pulled away abruptly when they saw an old couple standing there not noticing as they quickly scooted to johns flat.

Once they were in the flat John didn't say a word he just went over to the tv and the news came on. He sat down on the couch as Paul followed, he looked over at Paul hesitating what he's going to say before he says it. "You know...paul, I still love you." He said just above a whisper. " I know.. " Paul whispered looking over at him with his puppy eyes.

"I know I shouldnt say it but up to this point I don't care about anything, the band, yoko, the world..just you." He looked at Paul who looked as though he had nothing to say.

"John..." He began but John cut him off. " Please no more explaining and reasoning things...I'm tired of it. " John whispered caressing his cheeks lightly and kissing Paul's lips again, with Paul kissing back they both fell back into the same love for each other as they once had. An hour went by and it felt like five minutes. They just wanted the love they had now in this moment and forever to last before going back into the reality.

John has Paul cuddled up to his chest not feeling his warmth in such a long time. John woke up and saw the sleeping beauty in his arms and he leaned down to give him a kiss on the forehead. Paul squirmed and smirked opening one eye. "Ok mister, can we sleep in please." He laughed and hugged him tightly , he chuckled and hugged him back tightly enjoying every second of it

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